nope check out
I also just got a picture of 20 gridseeds running in a 2U case with no fans! (on the gridseeds) the standard chassis fans did all the work.
Waiting on permission and I'll repost.
Yeah, I was thinking about that. If you would put them on their side, so the airflow can get through the fins easily, you could probably put 4 rows of 15 miners each or so in a 2U case with some high speed fans
No need to put them on their side if you run in scrypt mode:
2U rackmount chassis on sale at newegg:
High Def Photo:
bobby35ny is running 10 gridseeds with the fans removed in these cases as pictured. *this case won't fit a standard atx PSU.
I run my 10 in a rosewill 4U.