
Topic: Lisk Signature Campaign. Spread the word about Javascript blockchain apps - page 26. (Read 25939 times)

hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
Think or swim.
Thank- you  Wink
you are also qualified to join btw
Activity: 1258
Merit: 1004
hero member
Activity: 686
Merit: 500
User: Butya
rank: Full Member
Posts Start: 329
Lisk Address: 4143754718842831759L
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hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
Think or swim.
★☆★ There will be a 20 stake bonus ★☆★  for attending the community meeting Feb 11th at 18:00 CET ★☆★ ★☆★  ★☆★

Just Post a smiley in lisk chat DURING the meeting to earn a 20 stake bonus with a username that matches your BCT username.
Happy lisking!
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
CryptoTalk.Org - Get Paid for every Post!
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
Think or swim.
added to applicant list  Smiley

add the me if the place is still there.

User: Topknotbam
rank: Hero Member
Posts Start: 1376  +1
Lisk Address: 13516564718836005739L
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thanks Wink

Topknotbam added  Wink
Activity: 1938
Merit: 1014

added to applicant list  Smiley

add the me if the place is still there.

User: Topknotbam
rank: Hero Member
Posts Start: 1376  +1
Lisk Address: 13516564718836005739L
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thanks Wink
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
Think or swim.

added to applicant list  Smiley
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
CryptoTalk.Org - Get Paid for every Post!
If there is any free slots available then I would like to join in please.

User: stripykitteh
rank: Hero Member
Posts Start: 658
Lisk Address: 13504258997651720682L
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sr. member
Activity: 404
Merit: 252
Hi, MrPresident. If you will be extend participants, can I join to this Signature campaign?

User: TaShoKi
rank: Full Member
Posts Start: 211
Lisk Address: 18245465427149105469L
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Activity: 3038
Merit: 1024
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
Can I ask you sir !!!
Regarding Google Doc contained in it, for the calculation of the total posts are referred to by the manager of Google Doc, I look at the calculation of some of the participants getting 8m there are also participants may 2m ..

Can you give an explanation about it to me ??
Google Doc:

Thank you  Smiley
That is simply for demographics to see how many new lisk accounts have been formed due to this campaign; the purpose of which ofc is to attract new users and spread awareness.    It will not effect my choices, no worry. Smiley
0= a new, empty account   -and-   8m = an account formed 8 months ago.  Wink

NOTICE:For every 500 lisk donated until feb 6th 18:00 CET there will be 1 spot allocated.
This means there are currently 21 spots with the pot at 10,550 Lisk.

Hey mr. president put me in.  Wink
PM detail already send.
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
Think or swim.
Can I ask you sir !!!
Regarding Google Doc contained in it, for the calculation of the total posts are referred to by the manager of Google Doc, I look at the calculation of some of the participants getting 8m there are also participants may 2m ..

Can you give an explanation about it to me ??
Google Doc:

Thank you  Smiley
That is simply for demographics to see how many new lisk accounts have been formed due to this campaign; the purpose of which ofc is to attract new users and spread awareness.    It will not effect my choices, no worry. Smiley
0= a new, empty account   -and-   8m = an account formed 8 months ago.  Wink

NOTICE:For every 500 lisk donated until feb 6th 18:00 CET there will be 1 spot allocated.
This means there are currently 21 spots with the pot at 10,550 Lisk.
hero member
Activity: 983
Merit: 502
Can I ask you sir !!!
Regarding Google Doc contained in it, for the calculation of the total posts are referred to by the manager of Google Doc, I look at the calculation of some of the participants getting 8m there are also participants may 2m ..

Can you give an explanation about it to me ??
Google Doc:

Thank you  Smiley
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
Think or swim.
Hello sir .. Smiley

I want to ask, How for participants who already do a post on this signature, I read that the campaign began on February 6, had they been included in the count in the post although the campaign has not yet started ..
What is the total Lisk, which will be given from each participant for this signature ??
Began? Today is January 31st by my calendar. 6 more days till it begins.
You only need read post 1 to see the current total... it grows.... currently 10,000 lisk, or roughly $1500 usd.
Each participant will have "stakes" in the pot.
Every post you make DURING the campaign whilst having our signature is 1 stake providing the post is legit, and not just spam.
I will be checking every post.
Total posts during the campaign / the pot balance at 20:00 CET = a share's total lisk -tx fee of .1 (any deposits after that date will be applied toward next month's campaign)
The total amount of posts you make during the campaign determines your % of the pot.
Hope that clears it up for you  Smiley

A simple Member can not participate?
For example me.
no, but it looks like you are very close to being qualified  Wink
hero member
Activity: 2110
Merit: 502
Hello sir .. Smiley

I want to ask, How for participants who already do a post on this signature, I read that the campaign began on February 6, had they been included in the count in the post although the campaign has not yet started ..
What is the total Lisk, which will be given from each participant for this signature ??
sr. member
Activity: 1064
Merit: 258
A simple Member can not participate?
For example me.
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
Think or swim.
the company allocated 10 000 lsk? How many participants you plan to recruit?
Delegates donated for this, not the "company"
Right now it's 20. If we get more funds, I may add a few.
(I want to keep the pay rate high for you)

welcome guys!
sr. member
Activity: 546
Merit: 327
the company allocated 10 000 lsk? How many participants you plan to recruit?
Activity: 1316
Merit: 1041
Bitcoin is a bit**
User: schnötzel
rank: Hero
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Lisk Address: 1203884843412571208L
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sr. member
Activity: 546
Merit: 327
User: BitmarkInvest
Rank: Full Member
Posts Start: 202
Lisk Address: 2173723517422331742L 
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