Hi, I think it would be a good idea to have all proposals together.
It is easier to discuss them this way.
For already working forks you have this list:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/crypto-currency-index-37423I've seen these proposals so far:
FreiCoin (with demurrage, reduces interest and maintain the nominal reward for miners, the proportional reward for miners decreases until the maximum monetary base is reached)
KingCoin (with an exponentially growing supply, maintains the proportional reward for miners,
is not equivalent to freicoin!!)
RippleCoin (like bitcoin, but the chain can have ripple transactions too. The fees for those transactions can be payed with ripplecoins or with ripple IOUs)
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/bitcoin-like-implementation-of-ripple-3557implement ripple with colored coins:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.1217467Related, but a protocol without a chain:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/a-generic-protocol-for-cryptographic-assets-60591-ExchangeChain/ (a decentralized exchange within a chain)
Any other chain currency can be traded atomically for middlecoins (or any chain currency that looks into this chain and has conditional transactions)This can be made
with contracts.
EscrowCoin (like
middlecoin transactions can depend on exchangeChain commits, escrow coins need to know the rules and results on other chains like option chain or reserve coin) I'm starting to doubt a new chain is needed for this.
ReserveCoin (uses
escrowcoin as a reserve of a new issued currency, the chain also buys reservecoins in exchange of escrowcoins)
The currency is pegged to escrowcoin but somehow the chain targets stable prices.
Beertokens (backed crypto-currency that targets the value of a beer, issuing is centralized)
DerivativeChain (an options market within a chain, paid for in escrowcoin, can depend on exchange chain prices or needs a decentralized price index)
StableCoin (adapt the monetary base to target a value using a decentralized price index) You could do it
better destroying money through demurrage instead of fees.
ReferenceCoin (just the target of stablecoin, it is not actually issued, but its price is provided inside another chain. it is useful for contracts)
ECC (adjusting difficulty (and supply) to match 1 ECC = 1 Kw)
TimeCoin (with an always growing supply, but constant growth instead of exponential) I can't see any reason why you would want it instead of expocoin.
Bitcoin Plus or BCP (BTCs can be converted into BCP. Their conversion value depends on the difficulty with which they were generated)
-SteadyCoin (The curve for coins creation is changed to reduce the reward for early adopters) It is proposed somewhere in the BCP thread.
TownCoin (honestly I don't get it, so I can't summarize it)
OtherCoin (EuroBitcoin, AmeroBitcoin, AfroBitcoin...AgBitcoin, Bitgold...; just another chain with no different properties than bitcoin, maybe a different total target money supply) This proposal is all around the forum, but I think it doesn't make much sense.
Note that some of them can be combined, for example, any currency can also have the properties of middlecoin and escrowcoin.
Please, post here any proposal that had appeared in the forum.