d'autres et moi avons presque tout donné.. je ne vais pas tout rechercher
Friends, 10 fatty and relevant airdrops
If you already know the air shots here, do not scold me, please
et 200 SETH tokens = 6 $
Payments after ICO (June 14-28)
Fill in the form, specify the data:
1. Indicate your email
2. Subscribe to the group in the Telegram (after you specify your nickname, the example is "@Name")
3. Subscribe to the group on Twitter and retweet 1 post
4. Specify the purse ETH
5. Confirmation to the mail comes with a delay (maximum 1 day) to confirm the email necessarily.SynteraWe register on the site, confirm the mail
We join all social networks indicated in the form
Specify the address of the Ether and send the form.
We go to the telegram of the bot
https://t.me/SynteraAirDropbot click Start, specify your purse of Ether.
Join the group in the telegram
https://t.me/syntera_chatGet it for 1 SSC = $ 14
The Tokens will be credited within a few days after the start of the Token of the Sail, the Token Sail starts in 1 day.
Drop will be active for 4 more days
1000 SHB tokens
Estimated cost of $ 50
Charging after ICO (until about April 25) Shopi Blockc'est un airdrop
1000 toekns à l'inscription
We register on the site
For the performance of tasks on social networks, we get $ 10 in ENC tokens
In the upper right corner, click on the image of the little men and indicate their ether address.[/s]
EniacAvec ref:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/annico-eniac-network-the-future-technology-of-the-blockchain-316442510$ pour 4 tâches (Telegram, Twitter, Retweet, Facebook). 25% de + pour les referral que vous aurez qui feront les tâches.
EDIT: pour les 2.5$ de retweet c'est 5 posts qu'il faut faire !
EDIT2: ne pas oublier d'aller renseigner son @ ETH dans son compte (icône groupe d'utilisateurs en haut à droite) - c'est aussi là que vous trouverez votre lien ref
-Click "Get started"
-Go to my account
-We perform tasks in the section "Bounty"
-We receive up to 90 WLS
-It is after ICO
90 WLS tokens ($ 45-90)Donné
Westland Storageil disent donner pour 40 Dollars de token à l'inscription
puis il y a des petites taches à faire 'en allant sur Bounty)
le site est fluide et bien fait
-Insert ETH wallet
-In the line from the bottom, we introduce captcha
-We receive up to 1000 ETMs
-Will come after ICO
1000 ETM tokens ($ 25-50)[/s]
ETM .momj'ai rein compris, c'est tout en chinois
je crois qu'il faut juste mettre son adresse ther et le captcha
-Click "Join telegram" "Join twitter"
-Before filling form
-To indicate the name, email and address of the broadcast
-We receive up to 10 EVI
-It is after ICO
10 EVI tokens ($ 8-10) EVIOTSc'est un aidrop telegram rapide qui promet 10 tokens
http://referral.eviot.co/?code= BHOM1. Open the above link.
2. Select "BHOM Dashboard - KKC Bounty Program".
3. Register> Confirm your mail
4. Log in to your account> enter your wallet
5. Complete additional tasks to get bonus tokens.
$ 50-70
-Insert the ETH purse and name
-Go to my account
-We perform tasks
-We receive up to 1000 KYO
-Will come after ICO
1000 KYO tokens ($ 80-100) Donné
Kayo credit
c'est un gleam