he explained here:
Oтвeчaя нa вoпpoc: ПO биpжи тyпo нe cpaбoтaлo нa кoмaндy пoльзoвaтeля (нe пpoизoшлo cpaбaтывaния coздaниe opдepa) - a кoгдa этo пpoизoшлo (вpeмeнный пpoмeжyтoк чepeз 12-15 минyт), цeнa yжe yлeтeлa вниз. Ecли вкpaтцe и в цeлoм, бeз пoдpoбнocтeй и дeтaлeй.
" Better on the legal side (jurisdiction, registry, regulators).
Answering the question: the software of the exchange stupidly did not work for the user's command (the creation of an order did not trigger) - and when it happened (a temporary interval in 12-15 minutes), the price had already flown down. In brief and as a whole, without details and details. "
get in touch with binance and explain your problem, they are the only ones who can solve your problem
At the moment, they do not want to admit their mistake, moreover, they openly manipulate the time of transactions (not paying attention to the time zone of the account). And do not forget to include a link to the rules, where black and white "We not guarantee You anything" - communication is with support, but it is... it's like talking to a deaf-mute.