Why would he scam for this tiny amount? It was very much possible to earn within a few week from signature campaign considering the pay rate these days we can see. Shame!
You are right that it is possible to earn multile times of my fund if the person was active on the forum. I can't imagine this type of incident may happen to a legendary member. I think there might have 3 reasons:
1. The person died
2. The person is in prison
3. The account has been hacked or sold/bough
There might have any other reason but can't guess.
Did he scam because the date never came in his calendar? You mean 31st December?
Typing mistake LOL
I commend OP for his level of patience, if it was me, I am not sure I will be patient for this long before calling him out here or tagging him.
I usually post here a long after (though for active users I do not make this type of delay). BUt I tag if I do not get any response. Also, before tagging I give several warning.