I can't get over 0.77~0.8 no matter which settings I try.
Is CPU important ?
Thank you.
same here how C31 do 0.9 ?
using Vega 56 btw
I recently observed that my grin codes somehow behave a bit different on different drivers - somehow rocm driver giving a better performance. I will investigate this why (because I did no seperate code for rocm ... it should be the same.)
Error on new nicehash platform
Connecting to pool...
Connected to beam.eu-new.nicehash.com:3370 (TLS disabled)
Authorized worker: 3F2v4K3ExF1tqLLwa6Ac3meimSjV3iUZgQ.Farm3
Property Tree error: conversion of data to type "unsigned __int64" failed
Oh dear ... what the heck ... will look to that asap. (Likely an other release then this week ... dang...)
кaк нacтpoить peзepвныe пyлы? нyжнo coздaвaть oтдeльный фaйл? дaйтe нacтpoйкy фaйлa
Most easy is when you use --pool --port --user and so on you can give multiple entries by separating them with ';' character. E.g. --port 9996;3333 .... the order needs to be the same, so here the 2nd port belongs to the 2nd entry of --pool and 2nd entry of --user
That looking like crooked OpenCL drivers - can you try to run clinfo in command line and send me the output via private message?
Device 1:
Name: GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
Address: 2:0
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Memory: 4096 MByte
Active: true (Selected kernel: Equihash 96/5, 3G & 4G)
Subscribed to stratum server
New target received: 0008000000000000
New job received: cd03
Start Mining...
Authorized worker: xxx
GPU 1: Share not accepted
The question is: which coin is this?
The "[email protected]/rig21" stuff needs to be put to the user field.
So in command line --user [email protected]/rig21
or in config file "USER" : "[email protected]/rig21",