Besides, the article headline is Warren Buffett's $1 billion bet on oil (i.e. price of oil going up or down), surely not Warren Buffett's $1 billion bet on oil industry (i.e. success or failure of the oil industry) as you pretend it to look. These are not the same, are they?
So who is actually drawing wrong conclusion and inspiring deliberate confusion?
You are. You are wrongly drawing a conclusion that isn't sound, and you've apparently taken one data point of anecdotal evidence in the article to try and claim that he's betting on the price of oil because in the present instance, it is more profitable to refine oil to gasoline than normal because gasoline prices have not fallen as much as oil. This is only a temporary circumstance, oil and gas prices normally track each other very reliably.
Also, if you would have bothered to read the sub headline of your own source, you would see clearly what the article is talking about:
Oil prices have plunged this year, but Warren Buffett isn't scared. He's bet nearly a $1 billion on the sector since the start of the year.
Emphasis added, but notice your own source that you claim is so definitive definitively states that Buffet's bet is on the
sector, not the price of oil.
So there you have it, plain-as-day proof from your own source that the conclusion you drew is incorrect.