- bets are fast! even with minbet 1 satoshi!
- if speed increases when betsize increases its very big +++
- minimal/maximum win percentage are 1%/more than 97%+
- ofc house edge is not more than 1%
- and ofc dicebot need to support it.
looking for something like bit-exo(3-4bets per second), betterbets(2.5bets per scond), where 1satoshi betsize speed is more than two bets in one second. (probable with standart scripts where is more than 3-4bets per second)
please don't post your personal/small sites with less than 1 year uptime.
anyone can advise some good site, with that kind of criteries?
Just try yolodice, if you get a VPS which is located in ireland or if you are there already, you can bet 40 bets/second! If that isn't fast enough I don't know
what fast means!