Invest in yourself and you will not make a mistake. Invest education, if you have money for that go to school, learn something that will make you more money. Learn about programming, web design, or something else, that depends from what is your passion in life. Invest a little part in cryptocurrencies, but investing in education is much better option.
Why are you discussing this? A man asked for advice almost a year ago, I do not think that this is relevant for him now, as well as mining in general for individual mining is not a very promising direction for a very long time.
Why not? You don`t need to mine bitcoin, there are other good mining options. Its all about what kind of equipment you have, with good equipment you can mine bitcoin but for that you need a lot of money. People still discuss this cause they don`t pay attention on previous posts, I discuss it cause I think I gave another point of view, nobody say nothing about learning and education, maybe some new people will check this and see some good suggestions.
May be he has done all that you are suggesting him. Now he wants to invest in cryptocurrency. You should tell something about crypto world. Anyway I want to tell you should split your money between different coins. If you have big money, you should buy some bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple, so that your profit chances will be more because all the currencies will not drop at one time.