What i meant was that you could have pools that enforce newer stratum protocol and that older miner don't connect to them properly, so i was kinda suggesting you to try a new one, i've been mining this algo/coin for alot of time without experiencing any issues.
Ahh, ok. Well, I d/l'ed the latest versions of both Vertminer and the tpruvot ccminer directly from their respective Github releases page and had the same connectivity issues with both programs.
Which pool are you using ? Do you have the same issue with give me coin pool ? (that's the one i use)
I didn't try the "givemecoins" pool but I just checked it out and it certainly looks a lot less clunky than the ones I have tried. I was also considering giving the pool by the guy that publishes the Son of a Tech videos a try.
The pools I have tried so far and which had connectivity and other issues were:
vtc-poolmining - worked the best with nearly 16 hours of continuous uptime, but then I got booted off and couldn't reconnect for >5 minutes. During that time I poked around on their support forum and found out that no one was getting credit for the last 12 hours of shares they submitted so I decided not to waste any more time with them.
vtc.alwayshashing.com - relentless connectivity issues; in fact, can't even bring their static monitoring page up right as I type this.
Webster, US p2p - - the "least worst" p2p pool, but over 50% of the time the miner software was reporting that GPU #0 was waiting for work, and then when it finally did receive work it was marked stale when submitted over 50% of the time... so, my already slow card was running at 25% of its mining speed, effectively.
Montreal, Canada - - the first and worst p2p pool I tried before I better understood that I should be on Network 2 (port 9181 for most sites, I gather?). Relentless and random disconnects; would run for up to an hour before booting me off and miner couldn't connect with the 3 retry limit and 60 seconds between tries (so at least 3 minutes of downtime) and around 20-25% of my shares were being marked stale. This would have been the least-worst p2p pool /if/ it weren't for the disconnects; at least the Webster pool let me stay connected for the entire time I was evaluating it.