If you think the team or the pumpers here are doing a good job, you are the delusional one. Ive been in business longer than these people have been able to wipe their own backside and although Im no Donald Trump, Im well into 7 figures net worth. If they & you want to think im trolling then fine, Ill leave you to it. They all clearly know how to make a success. If however you ever want anyone with a bit of experience in making something a success and making serious money from it, let me know.
PM C3ALL sent me. apparently hes a multimillionnaire (7 figures net worth) but sits all day and f***s around on BCT to troll the LOT forums. what kind of multimillionnaire does that??
sounds like a 18 yo kid hiding in his mom basement or something
I think he meant to say his 7 figures were counted in Satoshi.
lol actually made me laugh