lets all just stop insulting each other and blaming each other were going no where with that
if u find or know a problem/bug with this coin please make a PM or post here to mrloto in great detail what the bug/problem is so he can fix it
dont just say * fix the problems * say the exact problem and how its caused so it can actualy can be fixed.
I agree. The people that keep posting about this bug don't seem to have the technical knowledge to actually describe what the bug is. Lotto fan has asked several times for more details and nobody ever gives them to him. He seems to think you are describing a problem that is not coin related. If its not tell him why.
In fact two of them admitted they don't even know what the problem is but "heard" about it. That's just down right pathetic.
If you can't prove it or explain what the problem is, this is FUD nothing else.
If you can please go ahead an layout the tech details of the problem, the lotto Dev team have shown commitment to developing this coin and have asked for the description of the issue multiple times.
This is just downright bad attitude.So since i dont run a pool myself im patetic for pointing out that something needs fixing?
throughout the thread it has been stated from the pools that there was something wrong with the daemon, that caused the pools to drop blocks. someone came up with a fix for this with several hints to which key components that were involved in this failure.
imo this is like handing the devs help on a silver plater.
however they chose to ignore it completely, not even responding to example nut2pools post.
but instead just offtracked the convo onto an lotto game instead. completely ignoring nutnut.
Now if they had recognised that he existed and were shedding light on something im pretty sure this could have been worked out in no time an update on github could have been made
Do you expect the pool operators to go through the coding and find exactly which method that is broken? maybe tell them what code they need to replace it with?
Several attemps have been tried to sheed light on this issue. both from pool owners, and from the general public. Now when the devs step up you blame the pools for beeing lazy and not
giving em enough info? this could have been resolved several hundreds post back.
then we might see a better blossom of LOT pools out there.
edit: guess im in for a shitstorm again for speaking up, who will it be this time that tells me to piss of or go mine something else?