OK; good news.
I felt motivated to produce a cool gaming/betting site script with LOT, and have cracked the RPC procedure to get relevant data haha.
Which means I can wrap a code around the basic engine in few days from now.
Can I reserve the second game reward?
I can have this script up in 48-72h hopefully.
Short overview:
- basic concept goes around placing bets on outcomes on any block in future.
For example, current block in time of writing is 9073, and you could place bet on block, for example, 9173 (min +100 blocks in future, maybe it'll be even more).
Probably a "near bet" will be implemented, as it's impossible to say exactly how it'll turn out, but what we know is: amount will be between 256-65536.
To bet, you need to invest some of your LOT; and then you can either win or loose.
Have to work on input/output concept a bit in process, it would be very bad for either players being ripped off or "house" going down in minutes by bad odds setup, but I'm positive I can find something.
Basically a luck based game could be wrapped around anything, but block amounts are transparent thus leaving no room for possible manipulation of prizes/bets.
User accounts, virtual wallets, deposits, withdrawals, and so on. Plus a GOOD security would have to be implemented.
Feature wise - first edition wouldn't be as much rich, but over time I'm sure it can be expanded.
Any thoughts?
If this qualifies, I'd love to reserve, as I'm getting back to work tomorrow, and can do this in 2 days time.
Thanks for the time.
a linux based QT would be awesome! Only problem I see is that this way I'll have to sponsor a IIS server (Windows based) and I'm not too thrilled about it.
Can anyone jump in and sponsor a server haha?
Doesn't the protocol allow to create blocks with less outcome?
I guess noone would actually create a block with less output than he could get. Still one could cheat this way depending on what bets can be placed.
Hm :/
Yeah, was not aware of this. Though, would love to hear more about this. I thought only a coin master developer can tamper with block amounts.
A thought;
Blocks get solved by random pools and solo miners. Wouldn't that practically eliminate the option for cheaters you're talking about?
Main question is, I suppose - who and under what circumstances can control the block output?
@damnation: well, once the RPC api is set up and some PHP programming around engine, it basically comes down to simple concept.
Plus - since all cryptos are using RPC api, to my knowledge, it can be used for any coin, which is kinda bonus thing.
p.s. But, if all fails, I can ultimately involve anything from real life.
Basically, users could bet on market value of BTC in 6/12/24h ahead, (forex like haha); or temperature on north pole on given time, or date of next release of Miley Cyrus' bad music video, lol.