Shouldn't give it too much attention,
Flapman1 is;
- fudding here because he's invested/involved in pandacoin.
- related to or friends with Manelecrypto (the twitterer). They share the same coin interests, country and maybe more.
This can be concluded from a brief look at his post history
Good job Sherlock Bloody Bones! Let's go:
1. Guilty as charged. I am a full Pandacoin supporter. Is that a bloody sin to you wanks? So much competition between the two isn't there? I have some Dogecoin, some Halycon and sin of sins a bit of Britcoin also. There you go, nail me to the cross!
2. I'm great fast friends with Manelecrypto. No we're not boning each other (to my regret ... sorry Loni couldn't help myself, LOL) Friends or not we have different interests. She hates scam devs and scam coins like this one and this one. She's got the inside to lots of legal issues because frankly lots of big lawyers in LA want to do her and they tell her things such as Litecoin's planned assreaming of you lot. I could care less, I want money.
She's also in with the gypsies. She isn't one, as white as you or me but they run entertainment back in her country and get into crypto (yes, the "gypos" have internet to respond to one idiot.) Being blond and all the gypsies love her and want to fuck your coin because of your insults. Doing it too, nice and slow before driving it home.
Does that hurt me? Yes, I'll loose a bunch. I'm guessing this will crash down to 10 or, the dev will wander off to a new scam and when another community takes over there I'll be with a huge stash new year. Long term thinking is the thing, you see.
Loni and I always have a laugh playing off at scam coins like this. LTCD seemed like a good one, thought revealing the LiteCoin problem would prompt a fix, not a general retreat into your collective arseholes. Such is life.
Also Mr. Holmes Loni and I aren't from the same country although the way things are going there won't be an obvious difference in a few years between the two. With the new law all of her Gypsies are here anyway.
Doesn't have to be that if Captain Picaird over here comes off his high horse ..
Manelecrypto is a man and/or is you. Stop faking like it's a woman. He's/you're not part of anything . Your trolling is terrible. You just like spreading bullshit. You don't like other coins getting attention over your Panda bullshit. Guess what, no one cares.
Have a good day.