If many people dont redeem, and those that do redeem dont find the 1 BTC ... how will we track how many have been redeeemed and how many are still left to redeem, to gauge the value of each of the potential winning coins. How will we know if we have a 1 in 10, 1 in 8, 1 in 5, or even 1 in 1 chance ? How will we know when there is zero chance ? In a week ? a month ? a year ? a decade ? ... we wont, this can only be tracked by having an open list of full addresses, and we already know who has which of those (we just dont have the full addresses to be able to look)
For transparency .... doesnt it need to be seen that someone has won the 1 BTC. I am not questioning gravitates integrity, I have known him way way to long to do that, but .... without this he is open to a cheap shot from anyone who redeems and then only has the 0.01
Personally, I didnt buy the Lucky 1 series coin to redeem it. BUT I would be interested to know what it holds. This is still a lottery / lucky coin. Right now, we all feel we have a 1 / 10 chance to have won. But the winner has already been decided, the 'draw' has already taken place. The value of the funds on your coin is the same whether you know the value, or dont know the value.
It seems a real shame to have to destroy between 1 and 10 coins to find out who the winner is. Many have indicated that they wont be redeeming. Unless it is revealed by Gravitate, we may never know.
Maybe we can ask Gravitate to post a monthly status update on the coins. He can post how many coins are still 'active' and if the 1 BTC coin is still 'active'. That way the coin still will keep its mystery without having false hope.