The problem with some of the young people today are their attitude ...and now I sound like my parents, when I was still young. These people seem to think the world owe them and not the other way around.
All of this occurs because they were born into prosperity and have never faced financial hardships, so they believe the world owes them and regard others as fouls.
The majority of them want to start at the top and they think everyone can be an instant rich social media influencer.
They look up at these people as if they are some kind of superstar.
They just look up to them and forget what they should be thinking about; they always think they wake up and find themselves without even knowing how they started; the most of them don't even want to go through history to learn how they hustled and made it to that level. The worst part is that kids will accept them as their role model and begin acting like them, as if they will comprehend that most of these superstars were born into impoverished families and that it is only their devotion and hard work that has gotten them to where they are today.
The "selfie" generation need to understand that hard work and self sacrifice are the building blocks for success. You can work hard and smart at the same time.... and you do not need to live on fast food to survive.
They are unaware of this, only that their parents have made significant sacrifices in order to make their lives better than what they have lived, but the children see it as a favor, yes, a favor because their mates are on the street suffering and they are enjoying the labor of their parents, only their mates on the street will understand that life is all about sacrifice, hard work, and smartness.
A lot of the rich kids that ended up on the street, never worked for the money that they splashed on parties and booze and drugs, it was inherited from their hard working parents.
I've always stated that if you can't make a single or very small amount with your own labor, even if you've been given tens of billions of dollars in inheritance, believe me, you'll blow it all since you didn't make it or even contribute to it.
The money will only continue to grow if you help your parents in some way when they are building it, not necessarily 100% but 1% is enough, maybe you are still in school at the time they are building it and you always make them proud with your good behavior, this also matters because it will allow them to concentrate on building their wealth.