you can find the source codes here:, what problem do you have? Do you also give away a work of many month for free?
What else do you want to stay in your thread?
I do not know what else you want from me. What is the point of your actions?
Let me explain:
- Working 12 to 16 hours a day on this firmware sine December 2015 also on most Sun and Saturday's
- to get out more features of this machine.
- Compiling so many tools (see the link above) to get it work
- I spend weeks to figure out how this guys from Bitmain, start boot, and hide code from our eyes.
- More then a month to get cgminer 492 working
- and also the Nicehash support
- my mistake by acting with the cryptoglance software (more than a month)
- many many days without any sleep
- form March to May many times 36 hour working - 8 hours sleep for 3-4 periods, then knock out for 12 hours
All time spending on this project, about 1800 hours.
And now, you have really nothing better to do than talking, writing and acting from one post to the other against me.
If you write a song it will not be "open source", a single musical note is "open source".
You better ask bitmain where the "source" of bmminer is. It is a fork of your 4.9.2 and nothing else.
Also you can ask them where the "REAL" source of cgminer 4.8.0 for Antminer S7 is or where the REAL source of the S5 cgminer is.
That what they where posting on github is an absolut fake!
If you also life from nothing, decrease the fee of your pool, please, and let me sell my composition.
And now let me explain in german what I wrote, and after this you can explain where there the problem is: I was writing that with MinToRRo it is possible to get better results out of every hash work
other user inclusive you mean that I have no plan how hashing works. Then I wrote:
Stimmt, Ahnung habe ich definitiv keine!!!
YES, I have absolut no idea how it works!!!
Jedoch, wenn ich einem Core, die Möglichkeit gebe eine Operation auszuführen = Hash-Auftag
bekommt dieser eine Möglichkeit diese Aufgabe auszuführen innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeit.
By studying the driver from bitmain (more then 2 month, every day)
But, if I give a single core more time, before I get an error (timeout),
what mean that the input work on this core was for the ass.
OK?! Understand: -> TimeOut = Work for the A = on most cases Hardware Error = Bitmain definition.
And now?
I'am a liar? No !!! or YES
Make up your own mind.
But I say, think and believe that: AS
lower the hardware error AS
lower the work for the A AS
higher the chance to find better shares AND AS
lower the Hardware Errors AS
higher the hashrate So ist es aktuell in der original Software hinterlegt, wenn ich jetzt aber hingehe und diese Zeit nur leicht anhebe, dann erhöht das auch
die Wahrscheinlichkeit.
At moment it is on original software recorded, but if I decrease now the timeout a little bit, then I decrease also the chance
Finish! And you mean that's all a big lie? Make up your own mind,please.
And I done more then optimizing the timeout, I also reserved 10 x more ram for cgminer and limited the cpu to 94%.
Before you or every other mean that this is also bs, than please just open your miner with ssh, then screen -r and press d and d again. For that you will enter the debug mode, now you can verify that your miner only hashes the half more or minus. This is the evidence that if the cgminer has not enough ram and cpu power the hashrate goes down.
press "CTRL" and on "A" and then on "D" to leave the screen session
thx fubly
Edit: Update: