I am asking about ALL - this coin. What is the plan?
Someone already posted that the movies are taken from novus hosters e.g.
http://afix.io/#/v/99 and
http://trollpay.com/2002.html are a match in hash. Note that there's no abiity to add movies by users on ALL like there's on NOVUS and VISIO yet for all, so it must've been the dev.
Competition is good, but I want to know if this has cool concepts I can believe in as well. I'm in visio as well.
Some of the older content is from 123movies, youtube,novus, from old vidz providers etc. A lot of media was scrubbed. But any NEW content that is in the theater or less than a month old is 100% Allion and not from any other media site. Almost famous was indexed by a novus user who had scrubbed the entire novus video directory.
If two people index the same file via ipfs they will get the same hash (unless the file has been altered in some form). (but yes I can almost 100% guarantee that Almost famous (2002.html) is a novus movie.
We get our content indexed from a source outside of the crypto community. The crypto community unfortunately think they need to be paid to suggest content or push the send button on a form.
But to make a long story short. Allion scrubs its older movie content from any media site it runs across. (But like I said movies are only a user attractant).
It is not my intent to create a world class video portal. There are currently video sites out there that NONE of the streaming video projects here can nor ever will touch. These sites auto download and index 0 day and have for many years. An example of a video site that has 0-day, 1000's of movies, 1000's of tv shows ALL 100% WORKING. Check out
gomovies.to (formerly 123movies.is ru etc) This site auto index's and no offense novus/visio/allion will never EVER touch what they are doing. Again movies is a great way to attract users of a particular demographic but thats all it is. I don't want to be anon and if you base a crypto currency solely on paying/accepting coin for copyrighted material be it links/info/ipfs hash you better be ready to stay anon. Not only that but according to the TOS of addcoin on any major exchange (like bittrex) they will NOT accept a coin thats sole purpose is to promote theft or the trade of copyrighted material and will have a legal team look over the coin if in question.
Once i get a clear roadmap up for new users to see what is really going on without reading countless pages of nothingness everyone can better make there own decisions about the project. But regardless if people invest or not the project will continue to move forward.
I hope this didnt come off rude or anything. It definitely is not meant to be. In the next few days I will completely kill the op and redo it with a hopefully clear roadmap. I really want people to understand that we are not going to be movies forever. Movies is a great way to get visual brand recognition to a large group quickly. Anyways I can see I ended up babbling as usual.
Oh ya, and I will have some CRAZY news here in the next few days. This will be just insane good news for Allion. Ugh again its nothing to go hype about. Its nothing like that. lol But i just want to make sure its good before i say anything else ill be just a fool when it falls through. but ill know sunday.
(Private link submission is always accepted via pm here pr trollpay@trollpay.com you will however NOT be paid/rewarded for submissions)