RIALTO.AI is a designated data provider to Hedge Project (for more details read the story: RIALTO.AI as a Designated Data Provider to the Hedge Project). Hedge Project will introduce professional crypto indices and several index-based products on their platform (e.g. purchase of any index replicated basket of cryptocurrencies), as well as hedging and short exposure products. We invite you to read more about the project at www.hedge-crypto.com.
5% of HDG tokens are to be distributed to existing XRL token holders
In return for RIALTO.AI providing data services for Hedge, XRL token holders will receive 5% of total Hedge (HDG) tokens. Eligible for distribution are all RIALTO (XRL) token holders who were in the public ledger on the record date: 15th of September 2017 @12:00 UTC.
To receive the tokens, please follow these instructions:
Hedge Project will distribute tokens only to token holders that will register their XRL holding addresses on their website until October 15th.
1. Register at www.hedge-crypto.com
2. Sign in with your username and password
3. Navigate to the participation page www.hedge-crypto.com/participation
4. Enter your ETH addresses (max 3) where you hold XRL tokens
5. Receive your Hedge tokens on the distribution date on 16th of October.
Support contact
For any assistance and support on how to register and save your addresses, please contact info@hedge-crypto.com.
Dear Rialto Gentlemen Squire's
Any chance you can extend this 15th September date..?
I bought my Rialto on EtherDelta (when they first became available post-ico) and hadn't got round to converting EtherDelta XRL tokens back to "real" Rialto tokens.. :-(
Can you please help turn my frown upside down..? :-) I'm a genuine long time supporter!
Thank you please
Sign in here at least once a week and only just seen this. :-(
Did you have your XRL tokens on EtherDelta on Sep 15th? If so, they should be shown on the public ledger and your EtherDelta address should have the Hedge token airdropped to that location. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong as I'm holding all of my XRL on ED...