It is interesting. These recently coined terms such as "social justice warrior" and "white knight" seem to be used as linguistic magic wands. Powerful spells the mere invocation of which should poison the well of ones opponent. Much like some earlier terms tiredly bandied about by those of a different political bent.
SJW is just the current word we use for communists and leftist political agitators. They are sophists who use word games to confuse their opponents, but if you see them for what they are and clearly point it out they got nothing. Like a hairless Samson. Hence the lovely "drop dead" I acquired a few posts up.
Yeah not that it is appropriate topics of conversation for this forum thread. But it's really sad to me that in this day and age, no one converses or debates ideas, information, or thoughts anymore. They simply "proclaim" their position or beliefs on a matter, quickly label the other person with some label that implies a bucket or category of some opposite extreme ideology/point of view that doesn't even apply, and the whole conversation is immediately over before it even began.
Hell it is so bad, that now even pre-teens, before they have even lived a life or had any worldly experiences, have already "made up their minds" about various topics or ideologies and will quickly shut down any discussion that makes them feel "uncomfortable." That's why blogging is so popular, because someone can vomit up some half-baked, ill-informed, emotion-driven opinion piece without any fear of fact-checking, rebuttal, or debate. Fake news comes to mind as well.
The great philosophers of old and even America's Founding Fathers are probably rolling in their graves right about now.