that time diff will be at 300
I also connected new 3x270 rig yesterday devoted for VTC
It's very addictive, first I have started off with 2x 290s then I thought about upgrading to 3rd cause I had 1200 PSU..Now I upgrade to 5 cause I have 5 PCI-e slots on my MOBO...So today I will have 3 reference and 2 sapphires tri-x...I start thinking about selling thoose 3x reference cards and buy another 3 sapphires to have the noise down (reference cards are very loud), but now my gf told me that I can build another rig in her parents house basement (ofc I would pay electricity bill). So It will be 8 cards and I think I will go for 10 total, cause other board will have 5x pci-e lanes as well