Well that didn't go so well. Wasn't watching the market the last hour or so then looked at the screen, got a surprise and got straight back off again at 646.
Lol. Thank god it's BFX so the fees are tiny.
You are in the wrong mindset. In a year's time it won't matter if you got on at 646, 570, 720, or even 850. It'll all look almost the same. Get on whenever you have fiat.
Take it from my experience, if you try to get on and off looking for the lowest price, you'll either be left behind when the next upward correction starts, or will slowly bleed away on fees.
I really dont understand why people say this... of course it mattes at what price you buy in at unless you dollar cost average.
Say I have 10k to invest if I buy in at 646 I get 15.4BTC.
If I buy in at 850 I get 11.7
If BTC gets to a conservative 10k each then in the first case I have 154k and in the second case I have 117k. Quite a difference!!
It stays the same as well for every factor you go up.