2 years
Dec 6.1G
Jan 6.4G
Feb 5.8G
Mar 6.4G
Apr 5.8G
May 6.4G
So going on 6.1G a month and a 512GiB drive holds 460GB in disk space (and ignoring anything else there)
and current is 383G, the answer would appear to be 12.6 months - if you let it fill up and didn't care about it failing due to that.
Just hope there's way less transactions due to a lower BTC price, and I guess then it may make it to 2 years?
wrong ratios
395 against 500
you have 105 left over
You posted this device: https://www.crucial.com/ssd/p2/CT500P2SSD8
Which is 500GB, but that's 500*1000*1000*1000 but all OSes will read this as 465G = 465*1024*1024*1024 or less.
But unless that 465G of storage has nothing else on it but the .bitcoin directory, it will lose a few G so probably 460G in OS terms.
My months stats I stated above are the same OS G
Login to your linux box on it and type:
df -h
I wonder what that 395 number you say is? Disk G as any computer will say? (1024*1024*1024)
If it is disk G, then you lose another 1.5 months off my number.
So down to 11 months
Edit: and yes in my post I wrote GB and GiB back to front in the 'So going...' line
It reads in the node guidelines that it has used 395 of 500
In a storage report it reads say 345 of 457
Not at the site so no access to exact numbers
But 395 of 500 or 345 of 457 are close.
These get us in the 14 to 18 month zone using your 5.8 to 6.4 numbers
Whether it is 11 or 12 or 14 or 18 months even two years it is too fast.
I Consider the 500gb option okay if you may not want to run the node.
But I want to run the node so I am going to clone the 500 to a 1tb and not worry.
Parts are on the way.