Result - I'm consistently getting 0.124 DRK more per 1Mhash/day on the other pools (suchpool and lotterymining), despite the fact that the time with coinmine was at average difficulty lower than other.
Think about it, @ 100Mhash, that's almost 87 Darks more per week!
My theory is either knowingly/unknowingly allowing whale to cheat stratum with the low diff trick. At 4500 Mhash on that pool we're talking $450 worth of Darks being taken away from miners.
Could anyone else have a look into it and double check/confirm/deny?
I double-checked my pool and I am sure it is safe. Also this is quite strange you gets less because when you look at last 7 days pool luck:
1. coinmine - 103.49%
2. lottery - 113.85%
3. suchpool - 117.82%
4. official - 137.79%
Which means coinmine was the best in efficient block finding...
Thanks for clarification Feeleep... Now I have no idea why this is happening.
I did my tests for 48h at a time, so short term luck shouldn't matter much I think.
Query time is similar and rejects rate were same and very low ( <0.3%) in each test.