You do know the official pool is, well, run by the devs?
Grats on being an idiot. Impressive.
The same devs that mined 500 DRK blocks at 0.0002421875 difficulty?
Yep, I definitely know that devs are also crooks, but their coin is profitable to mine atm so I will mine it.
your quite impressive for someone so dumb.. really, im impressed that your capable of being so low, ive checked what you have written the other places, and yep.. your a troll.. i hope the places you mine, will ban you... slowly.. one by one, since you seem to think everyone is stealing and are crooks... maybe its because your one yourself!
Anything else to say other than personal insults, care to address the numbers?
It is ok I can math
100% + 1drk = 30%
30% = 50% +- 20%
50% + 20% = 80%
%/x = y
Y = question of life
Troll has life - I can has meth
It's really funny when people can't respond with facts and make a bad troll attempt
actually its even more fun when proof has been posted, and not even by me, and you decide to ignore those as well, which also suggests, your just here to troll
What proof? please quote reasoning behind your pool having shit luck for weeks.
Changing the subject again by accusing me of submiting fake shares?
Are you saying that the stratum protocol is flawed? please link me to the post of the technical details about the security flaw.