That's the best part about XSI on MP - the coins that stand between XSI and the top ranks in voting are pretty damn dead so it will be passing many of them this week
I really think before XSI goes on MintPal, it should make 1 release or at the very least an update on what they are working on, not to create hype but to create demand and exposure. We all know at this current stage, if it goes on MintPal, its going to see a small spike followed by a massive dump. Just look at the track histories of the other coins that got into Mintpal via the voting process. Most recently ENC EntropyCoin. ENC was holding steady at 3k on bittrex, then it got voted to mintpal, it got pumped to 4.5k then shortly after a massive dump to 800 sats, pretty much destroying it..now it is at 100sats!
Conclusion- we are better off going on Mintpal through high demand and high volume, so have them add XSI once its profitable through high volume and has established innovation. Right now its flying under the radar, it has the rep of just another alt (but we all know that is not the case), and nobody talks about it. MintPal has killed almost every coin that has gone there through the voting process, remember that everyone.