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Lilac: I was just reading a transcript of Richie's conversation earlier, and I noticed he said MIN is a closed source coin. Why did you say that, Richie?
Weekly Hour of Slack radio program's on in 8min @
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Lilac: Richie, you've been provided with the source for more at least ten days, from what I can see on the thread. And the source has been released to the public as soon as POW ended 3 days ago.
Follwed by "Bob"s Slacktime Funhouse
Zhulick: i'm not up on my open source terminology, but isn't handing someone the source in "for your eyes only" arrangement, kind of the opposite of everything it stands for ?
Lilac: And has the code not been released to public since as promised?
Zhulick: wait, it was out during pow, or just released during pos ?
inteus: seems like the MIN crowd is still crying
EndCiv: needs more dobbshead
Lilac: What difference does that make to your argument? The code is out.
* inteus grabs the popcorn
* Pelk want some
Lilac: And please, stop with the infantile insults. Let's have an adult argument here
* inteus gives Pelk a bag of freshly popped popcorn
inteus: yeah ok
* kernels10 can haz popcorn?
Zhulick: where are these insults ? or are they also closed source, and will be released to the public in another week or so ?
* inteus gives kernels10 a bag of popcorn
* kernels10 thanks inteus
inteus: Zhulick: oh that would be the insult I slung
Zhulick: the popcorn ? or the crowd crying ?
Lilac: Please don;t pretend not to see it and don't avoid the question
inteus: Zhulick: about the crybaby MIN crowd
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Lilac: Has the code been released to the public or not?
Pelk: yes after the pow phase
Lilac: So/
Zhulick: yeah, so ?
inteus: yeah, a centralized PoW shitcoin went PoS and code was released...big whoop.
Lilac: None of you are making any arguments thus far
inteus: who's arguing?
I'm just slinging insults here.
Pelk: we are tired of arguments and there need to be no argument = no open source while the mining phase and centralazion is a nogo 100% centralized blockchain
Lilac: So no one can back up their opposition beyond making childish insults then?
inteus: I need a drink
Lilac: You mean like NXT?
inteus: I never said I was opposed
nor for
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inteus: I could care less
Lilac: Then stop with the childish insults.
inteus: I just like watching the drama
bittrex-richie: are we on this again?
Zhulick: if you want to keep your sanity, remember what i said earlier - minerals miners live in opposite world... so just take everything that makes sense, reverse it, and you guys can start agreeing on everythinhg :)
inteus: lolz
Lilac: Yes, Richie. Has the code not been released?
inteus: or make your own exchange
bittrex-richie: guys.. dont sling insults ... doesnt' get anyone anywhere..
Zhulick: i can see it now... richie is in cabo by the pool, and someone comes up to him and says - hey what about minerals, and then richies head assplodes :))))
bittrex-rami: lets keep it civil
inteus: aww, but I'm having fun... ;(
bittrex-richie: i havent' read the entire backlog...
* inteus sits in the corner
bittrex-rami: and lets stop talking about MIN
bittrex-richie: but i'm going to answer yes... source has beenr released.. why?
profitus: heeey richie, there you are :P
bittrex-richie: yeah.. was having dinner ;)
not in cabo yet
thats next week ;)
Lilac: You claimed earlier that it wasn't. Sorry for disturbing your dinner.
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bittrex-rami: it wasn't during PoW
Zhulick: you really think these questions will stop next week ?
bittrex-richie: i claimed it was closded src during the PoW phase
inteus: Zhulick: nope
Lilac: "I hated the idea of a closed source coin
[18:41] <@bittrex-richie> and thats teh precedent we are tryign to stop[/u]"
profitus: @bittrex-richie when you're ready to discuss the logistics of the cfcv2 swap, let me know
bittrex-richie: profitus: oh yes... give me a few
bittrex-rami: coin swaps.. sorry
all out
bittrex-richie: Lilac: do you understand what can happen if someone controls a coin for 7 days?
bittrex-rami: would you like lemon cake instead?
Lilac: This is by far the most decentralized coin out there. Although I have no figures to back me up, the number of individuals holding the coin is by far the largest.
inteus: roflmao
[b]bittrex-richie: Lilac: i acutally don't disagree with you
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bittrex-richie: but thats not my personal problem with it
Lilac: I do. But the fears of worse case scenario is gone now with the release of the code and the stability of the network
[b]bittrex-richie: also agree with you [/b]
jimlite: @bittrex guys, is Nebula and Veil waiting till tomorrow, or tonight?
Zhulick: one entity controlling all the mining = decentralized... bizarro world...
bittrex-richie: but with every successful coin, someone will copy it...
and try to use the same closed control distribution
inteus: Zhulick: that's what I was thinking....where'd I go wrong?
bittrex-richie: and next time, they may not be as honest... that is the precendent i am tryingo to stop
Zhulick: inteus, just think of everything in opposites, and it will start making sense...
inteus: Zhulick: lolz
Sevith: so not adding min then ?
bittrex-richie: btw, i'm speaking for me here... rami bill and i are still in discussions about it
Lilac: I understand, but this coin should not be punished for the chance of a future rogue developer. RIght?
bittrex-rami: Lilac: its not that simple
Lilac: Similar to conventional distribution model
bittrex-richie: lilac: so next week when fobar coin launches exactly the same
distribution method.. and everyone gets their hash reused and everyone gets scammed
Sevith: did min scam someone ?
bittrex-richie: no
bittrex-rami: we don't actually know that
bittrex-richie: stop talking about min for a second
Lilac: Rogue devs are instamining like there is no tomorrow. that's a huge flaw in the model, but we persist.
bittrex-rami: for all we know they did
Sevith: not me
bittrex-rami: that's the problem
bittrex-richie: talk about the distrubution method..
forget coins..
do we want reward develoeprs controlling how and when a coin is distributed?
Sevith: think of it on the other side of the fence, what if it wasnt a scam and they were just trying to level it out for the small fries and not the big farm?
bittrex-richie: even in instamine and premines etc..
its all exposed from day 1...
to everyone that wants to look.
Lilac: Correct. Members of the community like you guys can verify the code.
bittrex-rami: Sevith: you know the big 'farms' are just miners too right
Lilac: Do not list until the code is public - that's a right decision by you guys
bittrex-richie: i am just one person.. i dont' trust jsut me to review code.. i trust the entire comunity to reiew code
bittrex-rami: what makes them evil, and worthy of exlusion?
Sevith: i know ;)
bittrex-richie: in this case... 4-5 places had the code
Zhulick: and usually the big farms are "old timers" who have the farms because they have done well in crypto...
bittrex-richie: versus hundred/thousands of eyes on it
please understand i have nothing against min
== TokCil [~TokCil@] has joined
bittrex-richie: i acutally like the community and i love starcraft..
inteus: Zhulick: but they should be punished!!!
For instance.. (Bob) finding its way into the hands of the SubGenius, by paper wallets handed out at X-Day and through private Faucet url's given out only to it's FB/Twitter/Google Groups and forum.
bittrex-richie: but i don't want to have to deal with this in a week when another coin copies what MIN did.
Lilac: I don't know Richie. For the first time I truly feel a part of an open source movement. For the first time I feel competitive. I don't have much coin. To be honest, I have less than 9k, But I am shicked at the level of misinformation being directed at MIN
bittrex-richie: what misinformation is that? there are a few simple facs
1) the developer decided who got to see the code
2) the developer controlled all the hash power.. AND he controled the blockchain... including the ability to fork, reverse, or do anything with it
and i mean during the PoW phase
and by no means am i saying this dev is bad... i'm saying we are giving devs yet another avenue to do bad things
Lilac: Agree. But would you also concede that (i) Code was released as promised (ii) The community used the block explorer to verify the six pools hashes
bittrex-richie: yup
completely agreed
i have no beef with the coin in its current state [/b]
Lilac: (iii) More small time miners were able to participate with the exercise
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bittrex-rami: but that's the part I disagree with
Sevith: You know
Lilac: Excellent
bittrex-richie: i have a problem with supporting a closed distribution PoW period that may or may not get popular
Sevith: it doesnt matter to me if you add it or not, cuz ill sell it, and tbh i just dont want to use ccex cuz they are total shit
bittrex-rami: a) people were easily able to circumvent the 50Mh limit
Lilac: Don't. Never do anything that is unclear, shady or unverified
Pelk: ^
bittrex-rami: b) Pools INCLUDE small time miners
why do you think that pool = whale with bottomless pockets
that's just silly
Zhulick: minerals = a basketball league specifically setup for short white guys who cannot dunk or dribble, and only the ref knows the rules... you know - for fairness and stuff...
Lilac: Yes, but I have mined before with my PC at pools, and I know where I stand
bittrex-richie: its communism at tits best heh
merx: &^^^^^^^^
bittrex-rami: I'm sorry.. dress up the socialist pig all you like
* merx back to shadows
bittrex-rami: its still a pig
* inteus pokes merx
Pelk: i see no difference between a small miner who invested 1000€ and gets 100€ or a big farm with 10000€ and gets 1000€ there is no difference
more off topic, but similar point here
you actually do more to stabalize the price of your coin
by letting big fish mine
Lilac: There is a difference. Large miners can dominate the supply, distribution and pricing with their enourmous hash
bittrex-richie: lilac: and please don't take anything out of context... i have no issues with the coin as it is today..
merx: big fish are more apt to hold longer.. as they may not be as concerned with quick roi
Lilac: and thus, enabling pump and dump
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merx: with the rental game, anyone can do that
Lilac: Richie, I;m glad to hear that. I was shocked at how you labelled us as fanatics ealier
merx: not limited to hardware anymore
bittrex-richie: Lilac: you should see some of the peopel taht come in here
im happy to lay out my throughts and views
but peopel that come in threatning and swearing is ridicoulous
Lilac: I know. I have come across a few at C-Cex. But you are one of the largest figures on the landscape, Richie. What you say carries weight.
Hence my concern
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bittrex-richie: And people take what i say and take it out of context and post it ...
that why i suually keep my mouth shut ;)
[b]like i said... rami bill and I are stil debating on what to do
with great power comes great responsilbity crap [/b]
Lilac: Fair enough. We can ask for nothing more. As a parting note, check out MINs price growth at C-Cex. Have you ever seen anything similar? It is organic. :)
bittrex-rami: *blink*
what have you done with richie
[b]bittrex-richie: Lilac: yeah i've been watching it... trust me.. id rather not see you guys deposit BTCs in that place
for the safety of your btc [/b]
Pelk: lilac take rzr as a good example of big ascic and stable price
Lilac: Thank you
Pelk: 80ghs nethash
!price rzr
bittrex - BTC/RZR bid: 0.00207504 ask: 0.00212990 last: 0.00207502 24h Volume: 614.49822167
You all WILL FRY in HELL ON EARTH alongside the PINK BOYS, come X-Day ..without "BOB"
Not a threat.. I'm just say'n
Lilac: Bittrex is at least 20-30 times larger than C-CEx. Imagine what Bittrex could do to a coin without any giant bagholders...
bittrex-richie: eheh
there is ALWAYS a bag holder ;)
Zhulick: yeah, usually me :))))))
powersup: I think, for now its pointless trying to convice bittrex to add Min
they will, or wont add it in the future
Pelk: lilac the 50mhs was so easily to abuse
Lilac: I know Pelk.
bittrex-richie: i dont midn having intelligent conversations about it
powersup: If the coin is a true pioneer other exchanges will pick it up
Lilac: But it was a deterrent of sorts
bittrex-richie: i bug mingers.... i bug pool owners
powersup: and it will remain tradable
Zhulick: it was a deterrent from competition...
powersup: and im not talking about distribution
bittrex-richie: i still havent' made up my mind..
powersup: im talking about the next phase
Lilac: Powersup, Nah, I can sense the gears shifting in Richie's head (not Rami though - he is just about to zap me)
[b]bittrex-richie: eh... rami is against.. bill is pro.. i'm on the fence... [/b]
EndCiv: I shoulda gone balls out hostile.. instead of using humor
bittrex-richie: if you must know
chill, as i said, they will or will not add it
you can show a horse to water
bittrex-richie: but we all flip flop lol
BtcBob: no.. balls out is a very bad look for you bruh
Lilac: Alright fellas. HAve a great rest of the evening.Do what you think is best
bittrex-richie: take it easy