They promised a wallet release on June 28. They did not release it. They offered no explanation as to why.
This is dev team fail, pure and simple. It's cool to miss a deadline, it's not at all cool to not talk about it.
if u would just do your reaserch and not sit in your moms basement with your dik and your hand , you would know that the devs said couple hours ago in the youtube community meeting that the beta wallet is done and it will be realeased today for sure, it doesent matter if its the 28th or early 29th, the most important thing is that its done , so stop FUDING , because obv that is your role here. I wonder how many promises did you break in your life?
When professionals miss deadlines, they communicate that it's going to happen.
That has not happened here.
Sorry, but the very simple fact is that the lack of communication about a missed deadline does hurt the team's credibility.
Whether you like it or not, that's the truth of it.