i dont know about that exactly. there may be other ways. as someone who has worked in the Point of Sale industry for years it's not impossible to get coding done that implements credit/debitcard to a cryptocurrency. i actually know devs who are capable of making this happen with full integration for barcode systems at checkout counters etc. since cryptocurrencies are considered a commodity it's much like buying a carton of milk in this regard using magnetic stripe readers etc that integrate with the banking system. itll just take a significant amount of preplanning.. but to state its impossible shows a lack of knowledge in this arena. just saying.
Although... maybe VRC devs will just offer rollbacks of the blockchain to reverse fraudulent VRC purchases with credit cards. hahaha... ya.... *sigh*
i dont know about that exactly. there may be other ways. as someone who has worked in the Point of Sale industry for years it's not impossible to get coding done that implements credit/debitcard to a cryptocurrency. i actually know devs who are capable of making this happen with full integration for barcode systems at checkout counters etc. since cryptocurrencies are considered a commodity it's much like buying a carton of milk in this regard using magnetic stripe readers etc that integrate with the banking system. itll just take a significant amount of preplanning.. but to state its impossible shows a lack of knowledge in this arena. just saying.
please explain more exactly how this defrauding will occur in your view?
ohh man that is ridiculous. are you familiar with various creditcard merchant technologies and their verification process? there are many ways to ensure that a creditcard isnt being fraudulently used and it's all a matter of the merchant verification process chosen. via insecure cards maybe yeah, but guess what.. u can disallow insecure card purchases and only accept secure ones. not rocket science.