The symptoms appear to imply a short circuit. The fans will spin up, the "nightrider" LEDs will flash, then about 3-4 seconds after connecting the power the LEDs cut out and the board resets, initiating the fan spin-up again. This "reboot" happens simultaneously with a quick flash of the power supply's orange DC LED, that is, it briefly flashes orange, but goes back to green. When it does this, the sound of an electromagnetic relay switching can clearly be heard. It seems the traditional power supply failure involves a _solid_ orange DC LED, not my brief flash. It might be that the short causes a catastrophic current draw, which is mitigated by the power supply by opening its relay.
Can you check the cgminer.log file I mentioned in the post above yours? If you do not understand its output, and feel safe providing it to me I can look at it. While it should not contain any information relating to passwords it might. It will likely contain pool information such as username and stratum server. You may not want to trust some random person on the internet with this information. It is up to you whether you do or not.
It may be the pump, I know if the pump is bad the unit wont mine. If it cannot initialize the temperature sensors it will not mine. There are a few other things that if it cant get good data from it will freak out and refuse to do anything.
Here is what you need to do to get the file:
1. enable SSH access via the web interface (I believe default is enabled, many users disable it when they dont need it)
* goto the miner web page -> configuration -> enable remote SSH password
If you have never changed the root password you should log in
immediately and change it. The default is 'cointerra' and is a well known and thus highly insecure password. If an attacker is able to log in they can make your miner mine for them instead of you. If however your miner is not internet connected, is firewalled such that port 22 can only be accessed local/vpn or the CTA boards do not work its not as big of an issue but it still should be changed.
From linux:
scp root@MINER.IP:/var/log/cgminer.log ./cgminer.log
From Windows:
This assumes that you download psscp.exe into the default download directory. If you know enough to alter where you download to you probably know enough to change the 1 line below that needs to be changed.
Install scp. I personally like the line of products, nothing to install just executables to run. go to -> downloads -> pscp.exe
open a cmd window (windows-R -> cmd.exe alternatively start->run->cmd.exe)
cd \users\%username%\Downloads
pscp.exe root@MINER.IP:/var/log/cgminer.log .\cgminer.log
From OSX:
I dunno how to scp using only a mouse but there is probably a utility that will do it, where it is how to make sure its installed, whether it comes with OSX, etc is beyond my knowledge.
Now that you have the log file you can view it. Any text editor will work, however for windows wordpad is better than notepad as notepad requires a CRLF end of line terminator and wordpad will work with the format of the file being just a LF line terminator.
Note that there is a logrotate function on the cointerra box that makes some compressed logs of backups. Check /Angstrom/Cointerra/logs for them if the log file you copied does not have what you need.
In particular you want to look for errors or other messages that will point to what is going on.