We don't need AI, just a centralized (yet open source) big computer that calculates global earth resources and decides what can or cannot be used depending on the risks of creating poverty/ecological damage and not on the risks of losing money in a business or how much profit you make by doing so which is what we have now.
This won't work for pretty obvious reasons. No computer can anticipate what human desires, preferences, and propensities will be tomorrow. Today we love red cars, tomorrow we prefer hiking. Actually, Commies tried to do something along those lines in the '70s, but due to their technological backwardness, their attempt failed miserably.
Indeed, it sounds like the absolute collectivism orgasm
Things to ask yourself if you consider the Big Daddy Computer:
1) why wouldn't that computer converge on the Final Solution: the extermination of humanity ? After all, if there are no humans any more, there is no ecological damage, no resources are exhausted, there is no poverty, and there is no suffering or unhappiness. Sounds like an ideal solution to the cost function, no ?
2) why wouldn't that computer converge on the following solution: all people who don't have a birth day in January become the slaves of people who have a birth day in January ? It would essentially divide by 12 the luxury desires, as such, limiting resources, while nevertheless keeping the economic development that a limited demand for sophisticated products requires. Poverty would be limited as slaves are nourished by their masters, and there would be no problem of unemployment (slaves don't need jobs).
There are so many "solutions" to said ideal programme....