Artificial Intelligense has bean dead for thirty years, after someone oversold it by stating that it was possible to create a program that could answer all questions, it was called the General Problem Solver. Look it up.
Meanwhile, artificial intelligense has been something that is artificial intelligense until someone can in fact create a program that works, after that it is neither artificial nor intelligense. Example is a program that can recognize visual forms.
Someone is peddling artificial intelligense again, I wonder why it comes now. A form of detraction from public knowlede about the sad state of the fiat system?
You are absolutely right that AI was ill-defined and over sold.
The error in the definition was that there was a confusion between intelligence and consciousness. You can be intelligent without being conscious, and you can be conscious without being intelligent. Both have not much to do with one another.
Intelligence comes down to "being able to solve problems".
Consciousness comes down to "being able to undergo subjective experiences which are good or bad sensations". The last one can only actually be known by the conscious being itself, and has in principle no behavioural consequences.
You could postulate that an AND gate feels good when it applies its truth table, and feels a lot of pain when its truth table is not respected. You could torture an AND gate by forcing its output "TRUE" when one of its inputs is FALSE. You could make an AND gate happy when you let it put its output to the right value as a function of its inputs.
You can say that an AND gate has such a strong drive and will to pursue its happiness, that it almost always makes its truth table come out.
You can analyse the physics of an AND gate, and come to the conclusion that the material implementation of the AND gate explains its behaviour. You will never know whether an AND gate has happy and sad feelings. Whether it really hurts an AND gate to have its output forced to a wrong value. Maybe there should be a declaration of the Universal Rights of AND gates, to prevent their torture.
So from the behavioural aspect of an AND gate, which can be entirely understood on the basis of its physics, there's no way to find out whether an AND gate is conscious and has subjective experiences.
If you would analyse a human brain, you would probably be able to predict all behavioural aspects of a human being. But there would be no way to find out whether a human brain is the seat of a conscious subjective experience.
The two differences between an AND gate and a human brain are:
- the human brain is more complex
- it is made of meat instead of silicon.
So AI in the sense of making a sentient being is an impossible task. You'll never know.
But AI in the sense of making a machine that pursues a goal and in doing so solves a problem, sure. An AND gate is a very very elementary form of AI. Vocal recognition and playing chess are more sophisticated versions.
When we arrive at the point where machines know how to design machines that solve problems better, I guess we can truly speak of autonomous AI.