$32K a year in Los Angeles and New York is only going to get you a moldy basement with roommates or a dingbat apartment built back in the 1950s. Whereas you can live like a king in a lot of third world countries at a $100 to $300 a month budget.
You need to take into account the cost of living and compare the revenue after taxes
Also if you have more than 1400 bitcoins you can consider yourself among the wealthiest 1% in the world along with the Rockafellers and Venderbuilts.
This is a clear reminder of how poor most of the world is.
Oh wow that was so well put that I had to quote it and point out for anyone else who may have missed your post. That is such a great example of how bad things really are. I commend you for hitting the nail right on the head.
The world has never been so wealthy, tens to hundreds of millions of persons go out of extreme poverty every year; 1billion persons went out of extreme poverty in asia in a few decades