Obviously it is the huge amount of money he was dealing with.
The odds that you will be prosecuted for trading $200 worth of Bitcoin here without a lisence are very low.
I'm not so sure about that... been wondering about this specifically myself for awhile now.
This guy's "offense" amounted to $3 million exchanged over 18 months?
Divide that up into just a reasonable per-day business volume:
3,000,000 / 18 = $167,000 per month
167,000 / 4 = $42,000 per week
42,000 / 5 = $8,400 per day, assuming 5 day working week (guy's not even doing any weekend trading, LOL)
If you figure a typical "quick trade" type deal for an average bitcoin buying customer on LocalBitcoins is maybe for $500, then this amounts in total to under 20 customers a day.
Granted, yes, that's a pretty brisk business, if he was working this kind of volume day after day, month after month, consistently for a year and a half, to accumulate $3 million in total. It's clearly not a casual or part time business effort.
But on the other hand, it doesn't sound so impressive if his "crime" is described as
"trading with 20 buyers a day for five hundred bucks each" now, does it.
The Prostitutor in this case likely aggregated his "total business volume" UPWARDS into this more formidable sounding number... so that it sounds more like they've "taken a dangerous felony money launderer" off the streets, thus protecting innocent mothers and children in America for the glory and honor's sake of apple pie, rainbows, and unicorns that shit Skittles...
Let's hope this case is just a fluke, anomaly, one-off unfortunate plea-bargain this guy had to accept... and not the beginning of any kind of crack-down trend against simple & honest person to person bitcoin exchange.