The Western media was using this incident as another excuse to blame the Muslims. But now it has been proven that the attacker was not even a Muslim. The media must apologize now.
We can't bkame them, they are media, they can talk whatever they want, nobody cares, but most of them believe it. If they are wrong then they can do better another time, and besides, they are just making some conclusions about the incident. Many people think that it is a terrorist attack because it may be, but it is not.
Well this is what they labelled it at first.
The reason being what is going on with the political climate right now with Duerte and his war against the terrorist organization and the gangs on the south side of the country. Even delcaring martial law.
Do not scorn the media, even if they spin it all they want to make headlines which catch the attention of the ones who can care less what is happening in this far off countries because it does not concern them.
But to the ones who are living in the terrorist climate such as the UK right this second with the London bridge stabbings by *CONFIRMED* terrorists of the Islamic state even showing the emails sent to them with the flyer of a IS-IS flag demanding all who follow them to attack the UK now with anything they can--this being with knifes, chairs and their finger nails in this month of their holy month which last for another two weeks.
This was reported all the public media which you so say do not listen too. This includes the newspapers as well hey? Well then none of this news would reach the ones who these issues matter to then.
Now would they?
I agree this thread should of been in politics because now it has turned that way instead of just a crazy nutcase who firebombed a casino which at first did belong in the gambling section.
Closing this thread after a couple of others who want to chime in to this discussion before I close it off and take it on to the thread someone else directed to earlier which was created before this one and in the political topic section of the forum, which once again, this is what this thread has turned into.
A political discussion and nothing more.