Quick update
leonArdo-linux-3.7.8-b12118297 Running separate instances for each exchange (as is do usually for a while).
On bitfinex with 15 open pairs, only one margin maker running for about 3 to 5 days or so.
After stopping the margin maker, leonArdo terminates very quickly. It's a bit hard to repeat to get this to happen (and so to log it).
Maybe some problem which accumulates over time? Dunno.
Additionally, at some time it seems a strategy gets stuck at changing it's state from buy to sell or vice versa. I need to stop it (which often goes w/o a crash) and then restart it to have it working again. Sadly, at that point often leonArdo lost already a lot of stability and a crash can be expected soon.
On bittrex, having 6 open pairs and no bots running at all.
leonArdo terminates after at least 2 hours of runtime. I've tried it to have it running with strace to log for the problem but that actually prevents it from happening. That makes it even harder to find the problem.
On HitBTC, 2 open pairs, 1 to 2 margin makers running on these.
After 5 days of runtime, leonArdo gets out of sync with the API and stopped to recognize changed values in the wallets after an order get filled.
I still need more ways to have efficient/meaningful logging. What about Qts integrated logging facilities? I've seen that leonArdo looks for a specific ini file for the configuration of it but sadly does not recognize if i set that up for full logging (whilst other software i use gets very noisy in the terminal..
Besides that; there is still the new usenet/google group i've created where we (users) can discuss these bug-reports, suggestions, best practices and such in separated posts to avoid having this thread cluttered with all of them all over.