I'm wondering, if it is already known why the newer 3.7.x versions are painfully slow on bitfinex while the older 3.6 releases are running fine and smooth after the websocket implementation.
I'm on the road actually with only one laptop and have only bitfinex with 4 pairs open ... but i mentioned that problem with the 3.7.x earlier and was told by a user that using the older version would fix it, which i can confirm.
SADLY, the version-numbers are _nowhere_ visible except for the login screen (and now from the new about dialog, which lacks the build number - and so fix level - at all). So .. .yeah .. on my linux box at home i have a nice sorted ~/opt/leonardo-linux-x.x.x-bNNNNNNNN/ set of dirs where i can use more then one version in parallel for best performance but....
That does not work on windows installs, and it is a bad and sloppy hack anyways...
Any news so far? As a customer, i would prefer that all hickups in existing exchange APIs get sorted out before new APIs are added, but well, i can see the need to increase the number of useable exchanges....... ymmv
Later today we will release a patch release which re-enables websockets for some connections which had be reverted to REST calls for stability fixes. So that should speed things up again.
We would also like to catch all hickups beforehand, but this is just not possible to a 100% as APIs do not alway act as documented and especially when exchanges are under high load can act erratic.
All the best,