We need
to destroy and replace StackExchange by putting the functionality on a decentralized blockchain. This will be one of the apps I'd like to see created for the OpenShare blockchain technology I am now developing.
Upvote me at StackExchange please:
Re: 22 year old inherited 30k from 529 payout; wondering best way to investInvest 50% in the DOW index and sell ALL when it hits 40,000 in couple of years.
Invest the rest in Bitcoin and sell half when it exceeds $2000 - $2500 within next year or so.
The big question is what to buy when you sell those because we are headed into an epic global economic disaster that will have the governments confiscating most assets. Perhaps gold.
Start reading ArmstrongEconomics.com blog if you want to know what is really going on. We have an
extensive discussion on that. I am @iamnotback there.
Disclaimer: these are my unprofessional ideas. Do not hold me responsible for your investment decisions. I am supposed to tell you to consult with a professional adviser, even though I think they will lose all your money in the coming economic collapse.
StackExchange deleted my answer above and they added the following protection to the answer:
Btw, that links to the Meta discussion area of StackExchange, but it appears they going to censor what I wrote there also:
Where the hell can we discuss something with you guys without incurring censorship if not in meta? So you're going to downvote and delete this also! Shoot yourselves in the foot. I am coming after you and I will destroy your centralized paradigm. We can still have moderators in a decentralized paradigm, but everyone can individually and freely choose which moderators they ignore.
And so that comment appeared to draw them into a little bit of ego chest thumping. Let the ass kicking begin by launching the actual decentralized paradigm.
I hear Stack Overflow can be rebuilt in a weekend, and we run the rest of the of the network off the same code, so I'm pretty scared. What's your proposed solution, someone who thinks we MUST and WILL die?
@AdamLear Multiple copies of a centralized paradigm is not the same economy-of-scale as a decentralized blockchain over which everyone can interopt and apply their own individualized rules for which moderation changesets to ignore, i.e. disjoint stores of data is not an optimal and winning solution to censorship. The way to mitigate the efficacy of politics is by empowering individual choice. This is why the Internet (as a complete database) is killing the corrupt mass media conglomerates. StackExchange is one of the next on the hitlist. You and your upvoters have some learning to do.
@AdamLear you see all the fighting and angst ongoing about deleted questions, answers, comments, and other forms of friction due to centralized control over the database. Just imagine how much demand for a decentralized solution you are creating. SE is the perfect marketing engine for that which will destroy its paradigm.
Calling moderators (or anybody btw) "foolish Hitler" in a rant is not an optimal and winning basis for a discussion.
@ModusTollens cry in your spilled milk. Your paradigm is going to die. All your downvotes are powerless.
Whatever. Have fun.
@ModusTollens Btw, I was the first to upvote your perfectly myopic self-criticism “Whatever. Have fun.”. ;-P Also it probably would have been more accurate to write, “cry in your politically correct Millennials' spilled milk” not because it is more correct but because it would piss off those who it applies to.
Go ahead. Make my day. Only two more votes needed to delete this. All Hillary Clinton supporters unite! We must have order! Free speech is dead, even in Meta. Any way, I've saved the entire discussion in two places on a forum. And this will come back to haunt you., especially those who were bold enough to put their name on the censorship. Some of you are too chickenshit to put your name on your censorship.
They've tried to restrict discussion and there are already 2 votes to delete the question, but afaics SE doesn't show who makes those votes (
corrupt system database isn't open):
put on hold as unclear what you're asking by gnat, Andy, Adam Lear♦ 1 hour ago
Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking.
As I told you all, I am not doing this just for money! It is a competition about ideas and what will make a better Internet.