If someone does not proselytize for their belief, they may as well not exist being a non-factor in the world and all, so you're just doing a segue to nihilism. It's not like you can pretend anarchy can even exist without practitioners proselytizing in the first place, otherwise fascists will just exterminate you. Nothing about so called anarchism makes any logical sense whatsoever, being required to be a suicidal nihilist, which is a demographic that doesn't reproduce well either, breeding themselves out of existence by whoever is dumb enough to adopt it.
Just look at the quote: "Like anything else, nature is the best teacher". Human life is a story of the individual moseying around, then comes in contact with a collective group who kicks them in the face, forcing the individual into a collective group of their own in order to not go extinct. Jews practice all these blatantly obvious traits, which is why they're winning, while trying to impose Marxism on everyone else to prevent them from coming together for common interests to compete at all. They are also heavy into anarchism, except not for their own civilization, only to destabilize others to take them over.
Bitcoin isn't required to be a digital 666 tracking grid to be a trojan horse like you're always saying. It could just be a designed to collapse system they put up that acts the same way anarchy does to undermine power structures and then collapses, letting someone just walk in and impose some new system on top of it like a federated govt chain since none of these so called decentralized systems actually work.