
Topic: Martin Armstrong Discussion - page 30. (Read 647359 times)

Activity: 99
Merit: 0
March 13, 2020, 03:24:15 PM
There are like 4-5 bashers here who keep recycling the same garbage over and over again.  Leading the way is Anonymous Coder (aka garbageman) who has accused me of being MA.  No really - he actually believed I am Martin Armstrong taking the time out my busy day to come here to respond to his childish posts.

If you bashers want to be stupid and avoid expertise and sage advice in these turbulent times - go for it.  My grandfather once told me "You can't fix stupid" - and with Anonymous Coder and his ilk - he was right.

Crunch time with Repo and Europe and I am VERY glad to gain knowledge from someone who actually knows what's going on.   You deniers keep doing do what you do best - nothing -- and I'll continue to learn and see what's really happening behind the scenes.  No one else is explaining it like Armstrong because most simply don't have a clue.   
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
March 13, 2020, 02:30:40 PM
Wow he cannot scam the common guy anymore. So he's looking for the deeper pockets, to de-fraud them instead.

One sale at 250k might be easier than scamming 1000s. He must be really hurting for cash.

What a guy!
hero member
Activity: 568
Merit: 703
March 13, 2020, 12:53:24 PM
Well I almost puked when I seen his 250k a year on his bog post today lol, 5mill for institutional, lololol Marty stop dreaming!!!!

Yes in few days we'll see his blog post asking readers to stop emailing him cuz it's sold out. Well, it's probably sold out by now, right?
jr. member
Activity: 80
Merit: 1
March 13, 2020, 12:23:59 PM
Well I almost puked when I seen his 250k a year on his bog post today lol, 5mill for institutional, lololol Marty stop dreaming!!!!

Marty says its easy trading, it is when you dont post a real trading account, same as over45 and the other muppets.

Hyperthetical bs but keep going o45 as your looking more stupid with each post.

Marty probably even doesn't have a trading account as the companies may do background checks and refuse to take someone who has helped himself to client accounts previously.
jr. member
Activity: 184
Merit: 8
March 13, 2020, 11:57:56 AM
holy shit socrates really made me bank yesterday with amazon, wow marty!
jr. member
Activity: 184
Merit: 8
March 13, 2020, 11:55:08 AM
awesome private blogs lately hes really nailed it this time.

quiet in here lets kick it up a notch.martins call on the ecm is making me bank boys. his latest private blogs wow just wow.  Grin

great call by martin yet again on private blog pure genius

What's the point of these endless boasting posts without any way to verify it for readers here?
jr. member
Activity: 184
Merit: 8
March 13, 2020, 11:52:04 AM
do you actually read what you wrote?  do you really expect all projections to fullfill themselves to the day, month or year?  we are talking about the end and ultimate reset of the global financial system -- with so many factors at play.  you going to hold him to a virus that likely escaped out of a lab?  geesh.

Armstrong was wrong on many markets for many years. Not a few days or weeks off, for years. For example, he said that government bond rates would go up from 2013, especially since the 2015 ECM turning point. It's now 2020; and the opposite happened. Idem with Gold, Real estate and Oil.
Activity: 99
Merit: 0
March 13, 2020, 10:24:37 AM
No one needs any kind of lecture, warning or approval from you -- Anonymous Coder.  You waste more space than Hillary Clinton.

Your full page bloated responses saying the same thing over and over are tiresome.  Your accusations boring.  Have a cookie.
Activity: 99
Merit: 0
March 13, 2020, 09:58:25 AM
do you actually read what you wrote?  do you really expect all projections to fullfill themselves to the day, month or year?  we are talking about the end and ultimate reset of the global financial system -- with so many factors at play.  you going to hold him to a virus that likely escaped out of a lab?  geesh.

If answers to the above is not favourable, then you know MA is "TV". Entertaining, but a total waste of time and it certainly won't make you wealthier unless you ARE the one sat behind the screen, as MA is, rather than in front of it, as you are, consuming his worthless content.

Then why even bother reading him at all?  Just look somewhere else.  Use your free will and find another financial expert to give you what you want and expect to hear.  
jr. member
Activity: 85
Merit: 8
March 13, 2020, 09:22:42 AM
I like BIG moves in the market. With MA, it allows for an easier and definitive way of testing his ECM/Socrates forecasting.

We saw a stock market crash on 12 March 2020, the WORST since 1987-89, for many major indices. Did MA forecast this where it was major enough that he really should have? It would also mean his ECM/Socrates really does give true buy/sell signals, helping his readers/subscribers benefit from his or his "supercomputer's" insights.

Let's take a look at some very old blog posts, where Socrates forecasts things to the day, much like the famed 1987 crash that Socrates/the ECM (allegedly) achieved.

May 23, 2014
With the yearly model on the US share market NOT lining up with 2015.75, it appears at this time that we are more likely going to deal with a major long-term advance.  The 2016 target will be 31.4 years from the start of the breakout with this new Private Wave – 1985. Therefore, we do have the potential for that Phase Transition. If we then back off into a low for 2020, then a full-blown 13 year rally may unfold and that will take us into the final high in 2032.95.

Jun 5, 2014
Now a 13 year decline in the economy points to the low in 2020. Sorry – it is precisely on schedule.

Verdict: Unknown at this stage. Appears to have correctly called the 2020 low - though did not give any date to make it tradeable, only the year and also contradicts this date (year) in other blog posts - and we won't know until end of 2032 if this forecast is correct.

Jul 2, 2014
I am dealing with this question in the coming Gold Report. However, suffice it to say the crisis years are 1932 – 1963 – 1995 – 2026 based upon the Pi cycle.

Verdict: Surely 2020 IS a crisis year? This is already historic because of coronavirus, so why no mention of March 2020 as a major decline in global markets AND the global economy? 2020 is worse, both economically and socially, than anything that happened in 1963 or 1995. Yet Socrates did not forecast it and it contradicts the above date (2020) given in other blog posts. Still not tradeable.

Nov 3, 2013
the Democrats are demanding significant increases in taxes and they intend to get rid of the Republicans in 2014 and will rape the economy thereafter setting the stage for a far worse economic contraction 2015-2020.

Nov 4, 2015
Indeed, 2015.75 was a major turning point that was the BEGINNING of a serious decline into 2020.05

Oct 16, 2014
The more money that concentrates in government debt the higher the likelihood of the bloodbath 2015.75 into 2020. This will wipe out institutions from banks to pension funds like never before.

Verdict: This never happened. MA was wrong.

Nov 13, 2015
So from the Roosevelt devaluation of the dollar in 1934, we should see the monetary system change in 2020

Feb 9, 2016
We are heading into a major crisis where the only thing that will survive the transition to a new world currency (that is coming as early as 2018, but probably by 2020) will be private assets

Verdict: 2020 is now back on the forecast docket again and a new world currency is coming 2020. It did not happen in 2018 and conceivably COULD happen in 2020 based on what is going on with coronavirus. We will know by end of the year. Still, there is no advice given on what to do IF this forecast is correct.

May 18, 2015
This current wave of 2015.75 is 25.8 years from the 1989.95 event. This is the wave that should likely begin the collapse of socialism, which I have dubbed “Big Bang”. This should culminate in a major political reform 31.4 years from 1989.95 and that will be right after the conclusion of this wave in 2020 – 2021.35

Verdict: Major political reform is possible in 2020 where government have let down their citizens owing to bad pandemic planning AND where politicians are also getting the disease and possibly dying as a result. So political reform is more likely this year than the previous 20, at least in the West. End of the year we will get a better gauge, but 2021.35 will either prove or disprove this.

Jan 27, 2016
We certainly seem due for a pandemic, which likely will occur between 2017 and 2020 thanks to the abuse of antibiotics... We are in a very strong upward cycle for disease. This will get worse as we enter the 2017 to 2020 timeframe.

Verdict: Yes, MA was correct, but gave himself a wide margin of error. However, coronavirus was not because of abuse of antibiotics. He also did not call a major global economic meltdown because of this. Why not? Once again, not possible to trade from, not least as no specific dates were given.

Jan 5, 2018
Therefore, to answer the question do we face an OMG event with famine? The answer is yes! The worst of this may come during the 2020-2024 period. I have reported that it appears the next 8.6-year wave on the ECM maybe setting up for a rally in commodities. That will include food.

Verdict: Looking more likely what with coronavirus seriously affecting supply chains, plus the current solar cycle being very weak, harming crop harvest. However, MA never mentioned supply chains would be affected because of mass illness, which is looking increasingly likely with coronavirus. Moreover, we need to wait until 2024 to understand if this forecast was correct.

The above illustrates perfectly the problem with MA. A lot of it is ambiguous or just throwing out random dates of likely scenarios and then claiming success for those hypothetical lucky darts that hit the bulls eye. There is never ANYTHING that is tradeable and he appears no better or worse than any well-informed analyst, who also give opinions, but never any buy or sell instructions. And yet, the feverishly pro-MA posters on this board claim MA does exactly the latter, while never providing any evidence.

The claims Socrates forecasts things to the day is clearly bogus, otherwise where was the target date of 12 March 2020?

There was no target date, yet it was one of the key dates - likely of this decade - for a serious downturn in global markets and economies. Also no mention that an incurable virus would be the cause.

So MA provides vaguely interesting contrarian opinions that allow for someone to think about future events. He and his bogus Socrates service exist to pay him a very nice retirement, while cleverly sidestepping the legal conditions of his jail release.

Quite simply, MA is TV. All noise, somewhat entertaining, but the content totally missable and not of any importance to ones life. To better understand this, simply re-read the above posts from MA and ask yourself two very simple questions:
1. Could I have traded this?
2. Would I have made or lost money?

If answers to the above is not favourable, then you know MA is "TV". Entertaining, but a total waste of time and it certainly won't make you wealthier unless you ARE the one sat behind the screen, as MA is, rather than in front of it, as you are, consuming his worthless content.

At $2,750 for a WEC ticket and $15-150+ for subs and reports, who IS the winner in all of this? Tough one...
Activity: 580
Merit: 17
March 13, 2020, 07:47:44 AM

Martin A. Armstrong: convicted felon, shameless conman, schizophrenic crackpot & financial comedian

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.
Activity: 99
Merit: 0
March 13, 2020, 07:09:41 AM
Repo is meant to stave inflation?  They are injecting liquidity to stave off a collapse of the economy/market. There will be no where to hide if it collapses.

Think deeper about it.  If you paid for Socrates you'd understand what might likely happen and why inflation is going to be intense.  Hint:  look at this morning futures...

The peanut gallery here keeps posting the same garbage over and over and expects us to take the time to respond to their misinformed and sophomoric attacks.  They have accused me of being Martin Armstrong, then a paid troll, then of Armstrong not having any clients, then buying his own book on Amazon and writing his own reviews, writing the questions that he answers on his blog, not having an office, etc, etc.  The list goes on and on.  They have made up theories to explain their theories.  They use bigger and bigger type out of frustration.  Mental masturbation on their part to make themselves feel better about their shortcomings.

I use Socrates in combination with about 6 other perspectives to help me understand what is happening with the economy and markets.  No one knows more about money, currency and global economic history than Marty.  No one is right all the time.  The last few days of private blog posts have been eye opening to say the least because no one else offers that point of view from behind the scenes.   You naysayers and bashers keep playing in your bitcoin sandbox while it's still available...  and keep telling yourself you're smarter than others.  I'll pay for experience, knowledge and perspective to help me navigate the mother of all financial crisis's that is just offshore. 
Activity: 580
Merit: 17
March 13, 2020, 06:07:19 AM

Clueless Martin Armstrong
now Expert on CoronaVirus Pandemic

What did Martin Armstrong say about the pandemic when it started?

He played it down as a flu:


Jan 27, 2020
Coronavirus still appears to be Normal Virus


Feb 5, 2020
Why Exaggerated Nonsense on Flu?

Definitely on Feb 6 2020 ZeroHedge got it right this time with their high quality reporting. Compare that with Martin Armstrong's JUNK.

Later ...

Bill Gates on February 28, 2020:

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog
Activity: 20
Merit: 1
March 13, 2020, 12:29:06 AM
"The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool"

"Fiction is the truth inside the lie"

Those Stephen King quotes applied to Martin Armstrong marketing motus operandi becomes :

Fear is Martin Armstrong most useful tool to sell his Fiction

Anyway, If you feel innocent enough, after reading this thread, to trust Martin Armstrong and it's avatars : over45, truth727, ... with his rants again disillusioned subscribers and his empty promises (fictional gains), feel free to lose your money buying his educational products  (which means these are not supposed to help you cash anything - in fact it is the contrary), you are welcome to complain here afterward.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
March 13, 2020, 12:21:52 AM
awesome private blogs lately hes really nailed it this time.
Activity: 580
Merit: 17
March 13, 2020, 12:03:02 AM
A couple of weeks ago I was Martin Armstrong himself coming here and replying to your stupid comments - now I am a paid troll because you bashers simply can't see what is right in front of you. You simply just don't get it. The repo is meant to stave off inflation but it's not going to work and the size indicates the extent of the problem.

The stuff on the private blog is literally priceless to me and is helping me position myself for what's coming. You children go play in your bitcoin sandbox while it still exists.

We all know that you are the Charlatan-in-Chief who tries to hijack this forum. Because you are a crackpot with zero qualifications who is only skilled in lying, other fraudulent publishing like intellectual piracy, plagiarism, falsification and scamming. Good luck with that. I advise you to get lost (as others have already done) and play at your own sites. Here we are only interested in facts and truth.

Now back to your BS because I do not let you go with any of your posts wasted.


4 days after the 2018 LOW

Private Blog:

Martin A. Armstrong: convicted felon, shameless conman, schizophrenic crackpot & financial comedian

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Activity: 16
Merit: 1
March 12, 2020, 08:29:50 PM
The stuff on the private blog is literally priceless to me and is helping me position myself for what's coming.  You children go play in your bitcoin sandbox while it still exists.

Of course, you are a paid troll and not a smart one. Let us play in this bitcoin sandbox and get lost.
Activity: 226
Merit: 10
March 12, 2020, 07:39:57 PM
A couple of weeks ago I was Martin Armstrong himself coming here and replying to your stupid comments - now I am a paid troll because you bashers simply can't see what is right in front of you.  You simply just don't get it.  The repo is meant to stave off inflation but it's not going to work and the size indicates the extent of the problem.

The stuff on the private blog is literally priceless to me and is helping me position myself for what's coming.  You children go play in your bitcoin sandbox while it still exists.

These people NEVER can answer the conflicting ECM dates from Armstrong, because they can't.


Standard tactics of ignoring all Armstrong's errors, and sing praises without any proof, and keep posting so that the links will disappear from the most recent page.

jr. member
Activity: 184
Merit: 8
March 12, 2020, 06:37:21 PM
A couple of weeks ago I was Martin Armstrong himself coming here and replying to your stupid comments - now I am a paid troll because you bashers simply can't see what is right in front of you.  You simply just don't get it.  The repo is meant to stave off inflation but it's not going to work and the size indicates the extent of the problem.

The stuff on the private blog is literally priceless to me and is helping me position myself for what's coming.  You children go play in your bitcoin sandbox while it still exists.

I do agree that once the Coronavirus is "under control" (either all people get sick and those survive will be immune; or it will be contained; or there will be a vaccin) that then the central banks and governments around the world have only one option: to QE the hell out of this economic cardiac arrest. Eventually that will lead to higher than normal inflation, which authorities will turn a blind eye to for several years, just to get things back on track. 4 to 8 percent inflation is better than a prolonged depression. Shorter term though, you get deflation because everybody is simply cash strapped because the economy grinds to a halt, despite some bandages from the Fed.
jr. member
Activity: 184
Merit: 8
March 12, 2020, 06:34:01 PM

Coronavirus is France’s 'greatest health crisis in a century', says Macron

I say: awesome call downplaying the coronavirus Marty! Wink
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