Hey zathras,
chart is fixed. You need to set the culture info at the beginning of the workthread_DoWork() method, too. I think that's also the only section where anything multithreaded is, right? So it should be fine then..
I'm not sure, if CurrentThread.CurrentCulture is enough or if CurrentUICulture needs also to be set. But make sure you use CultureInfo.InvariantCulture instead of creating your own with only the decimal change.
Re: font size, this seems to be somewhat messy and there are some reports that users have problems with it, even when trying to change the element's size on the fly. Some said that the AutoScaleMode should set to .Dpi instead of .Font, but after testing the tables were still misplaced. Maybe you should use fixed font sizes all over the wallet and simply force a specific size, if this is possible. Less usability is still preferred over a broken interface imho.
It would also be nice, if the form is not entitled with "Form1".
By the way, do you scan and refetch the block chain on the fly?
Edit: The balances in the "address overview" are accurate, but the "currencies overview" displays the balances as if the decimal limiter was ignored.
http://i.imgur.com/wJoZ0iy.pngThe date of a transaction created by the wallet is also affected by localization, I think:
http://i.imgur.com/kUBEteZ.png +
http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=ad6HcMDR (log was super long, so I hope this is relevant part)
Hey Dexx,
The culture stuff was added to the dowork method in
https://github.com/zathras-crypto/masterchest-wallet/commit/e324be03d62e002fdb8fcd38ec731f6e889e00b0 but I need to spend more time understanding this to do it properly.
Haha on the form name - yeah all the others are named but this one kind of grew out of nothing, I'll rename it 'main' or something at some point.
Fetching the blockchain is left up to the local bitcoin instance, we just query that over RPC. We currently roll back 5 blocks every time the scanning thread starts (every 5 minutes) and rescan to pick up new transactions. Transaction state processing is completely redone on every completion of the scanning run start to finish. There are a lot of inefficiencies/performance improvements I can fix up when time allows too.
Re dates, notice how the colour is blue - that's because it's an unconfirmed transaction (and thus has no blocktime) - we spoof a date in the year 9999 until confirmed so I don't think that's localization (just the zany way my brain thinks!).
The currencies overview is obviously not right - if you go to the exchange panel and click on 'sell', then select one of your addresses - does the 'available balance' show correctly?