I just installed Alpha 2 and got this error when it appears the msc-chain got caught up:
DEBUG: Block Analysis for pending transactions
BLOCKSCAN: Transaction processing starting...
ERROR: Blockchain scanning thread threw exception : The column name is not valid. [ Node name (if any) = ,Column name = ADDRESS ]
DEBUG: Thread exited with error condition.
Is the version on the mastercoinwallets site always the latest version?
Firstly, thanks for all the bug reports guys, I am taking them on board and looking at them where I can.
I may be a bit quiet today so sorry if you don't get an immediate response, since joining 'full-time' a couple of weeks ago I've worked through both weekends which has - shall we say, irritated - my better half whom I promised I would work less after leaving my day job! So a bit of Sunday family time is in order I think You know the drill, happy wife happy life.
Tachikoma/DexX, I've just pushed a commit up fixing this bug (thanks to DexX for highlighting the buggy code!).
SyRenity, yep I have been thinking about SQLite but time is so limited at the moment it hasn't made its way far up the priority list unfortunately.
Ron, moving that folder won't do it I'm afraid - SQLCE is just really DLLs and these will be in your GAC (global assembly cache) as well as your system folders so just moving that folder out of program files will be ineffective. As I mentioned really it's a complete removal or an upgrade. Best bet is simply run this http://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/details.aspx?id=5783 to update your old SQLCE install. Also whilst I do of course appreciate your desire to have things easy for the user, I think those expectations are perhaps a little too high. I have put a lot of effort into this & I did indeed test both without SQLCE and with SQLCE installed, but I did not test with outdated SQLCE installed. I can't test every possible scenario, hardware configuration and software portfolio before alpha - it's just not realistic. This is why it's out here for the community to test and as you guys pick these things up I will of course address them and try to remove/automate resolution of problems etc. There WILL be bugs at this stage. Completely agree stable releases should be much better but initial alphas are inherently unstable as they're the first time code gets tested on a wide range of configurations.
Thanks guys!
EDIT: Tachikoma, just tested the link on mastercoinwallets and that pulls directly from raw.github.com so yeah should always be the latest binary. Every time I do a commit on source I do a build and update the binary in the bin archive on github so getting latest version should always just be redownloading that archive following any commits I do.