The sellers set the prices they want to sell at, so stop attacking all these people for selling at higher prices than market. The 0.3 price is cheaper than the 0.7 that dacoinminister (founder) is selling, so everyone should stop busting buymastercoin's balls.
Especially DGulari, this guy is always flipping shit on all mastercoin threads, accusing some people of scammers and such. Because he can't find any buyers for his prefunded order..
What we are against is deception and trickery. buymastercoin is a fucking trick because they take advantage of their position on the official site to suck in those not sophisticated enough to find the real market. The trick actually works! There is at least one guy here who trusted the official site to put a decent recommendation to honorable sales agent - which turned out to be bullshit and it cost the guy thousands of dollars. is a dishonest scam agent. Their prices and marketing tactics are bullshit. I knew this from the very start when they started spamming the blockchain with adds during the Mastercoin buy-in / Exodus process. Fuck them.