heres some facts
when you have a population of 320mill. and a disease that is 30% asymptomatic. 50% mild 20% severe
and you know there are not 64mill hospital beds.
and you know there is not 1mill hospital beds if progressing over a year.
then you know you cant allow it just to 'herd immunity spread' and let the hospitals take up the slack. because there is no slack.
instead with just 6mill people had it =4mill symptomatic meaning >2m severe means only 80k death risk because hospitals can cope(because the >2m is spread over 2 months not in one week)
but if you imagine them 6mill were not spread over 2 months. but instead were weekly numbers. there would not be beds for everyone and the >2mill severe per week wont get oxygen or medical care. meaning more deaths. and it still taking a year to spread(6m a week= over 52weeks)
stupid people think that 320mill americans must have had it by now.
they dont even think that only a few million have. meaning ~1%-2% not 100%
think of all the hospital stress in march-early april at the peak. that was like 1% yet hospitals were stressed.
imagine herd immunity of 2-3-4-5-6%
too many ignorant people care more about fiat than human life. which makes them hypocrits to be on a bitcoin forum but think fiat means more than anything else
Fauci has been wrong a number of times and has relied on low quality models.
Here's Rand Paul debating with him, on the subject of reopening schools.
Shouldn’t we at least be discussing what the mortality of children is?” Paul asked Fauci, adding that "the mortality between [ages] 0 and 18 in New York approaches zero. … So, really, we do need to be thinking about that. We need to observe with an open mind what went on in Sweden, where the kids kept going to school.”
“I hope that people who are predicting doom and gloom and saying, ‘Oh, we can’t do this. There’s going to be the surge,’ will admit that they were wrong if there isn't a surge. Because I think that's what's going to happen,” the senator continued, adding, “I think the ‘one size fits all,’ that we’re going to have a national strategy and nobody’s going to go to school, is kind of ridiculous. We really ought to be doing it school district by school district.”
“As much as I respect you, Dr. Fauci, I don’t think you’re the end-all. I don’t think you’re the one person that gets to make a decision,” Paul concluded. “But if we keep kids out of school for another year, what’s going to happen is the poor and underprivileged kids … are not going to learn for a full year.” Paul is a complete idiot. Mortality in children is irrelevant. Community spread is relevant here. How many older or overweight adults, parents/grandparents will these kids infect?
As for Fauci, he is an MD. He graduated first in his class from Cornell. When you trained as an engineer, but you work as a CEO, you don't stop being an engineer. He is an MD, always will be, it does not matter that he does not prescribe blood thinners to old people in your nearest walk-in clinic. he talks, he actually makes sense. Unlike all the other talking heads, democrats and republicans alike.
His honesty is infectious.