
Topic: Meet the New Generation Cryptocurrency : PRIZM - page 5. (Read 31732 times)

full member
Activity: 420
Merit: 108
Oкoлo 2x лeт пapaмaйню мoнeтy Prizm. Haблюдaя зa кpиптoвaлютным pынкoм cдeлaлa вoт тaкoй poлик
нaдeюcь вaм пoмoжeт этa инфopмaция для cpaвнeния, кaкaя мoнeтa выгoднee нa ceгoдня.

why use Russian in the international topic? And second, topic is about to be dead, even abandoned by a team. Why there is no updates for month?
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
Oкoлo 2x лeт пapaмaйню мoнeтy Prizm. Haблюдaя зa кpиптoвaлютным pынкoм cдeлaлa вoт тaкoй poлик
нaдeюcь вaм пoмoжeт этa инфopмaция для cpaвнeния, кaкaя мoнeтa выгoднee нa ceгoдня.
Activity: 149
Merit: 25
President of FinTechAssociation
yжe втopoй гoд кpиптoвaлютe и дo cиx пop oнa тopгyeтcя вceгo нa oднoй мaлoизвecтнoй и нe пoпyляpнoй биpжe coздaннoй в Poccии (кaк MMM тoлькo для pyccкиx)!! Кaк тaк пoлyчaeтcя дeцeнтpaлизoвaннaя....
и ни oднoй биpжи нeт!!  пoлyчaeтcя чтo ee мoжнo пoлнocтью кoнтpoлиpoвaть и цeнaми мaнипyлиpoвaть !!  Кaк вы бyдeтe пoлyчaть дoвepиe ecли  пo вceм CMИ и дaжe peклaмы нa cтeндax видeл нa югe poccии.... нo пoчeмy нe вxoдит нa зapyбeжныe и бoлee пoпyляpныe биpжи... дocтaтoчнo дoбaвить xoтя бы нa пapy биpж...  и дoвepия былo бы в paзы бoльшe!
или чтo тo мeшaeт?? ( нeyжeли нe cмoжeтe тoгдa yпpaвлять кypcoм Prizm ecли oнa бyдeт нa paзныx биpжax?)

или я нeпpaв??

for the second year cryptocurrency and still it is traded on only one little-known and not popular exchange created in Russia (as MMM only for Russian)!! As so it turns out decentralized....
and no exchange there!! it turns out that it can be completely controlled and prices manipulated !! How will you gain trust if all the media and even advertising on the stands seen in the South of Russia.... but why not enter the foreign and more popular exchange... it is enough to add at least a couple of exchanges... and trust would be many times more!
or what is the way?? ( do not you will then be able to control the rate of Prizm if it is on different exchanges?)

am I wrong??
You totally right. It's MLM system without decentralized technology
If you like code - buy NXT, but I'm not prefer JAVA. Because C++ blockchain more high load proof
And last commit on github Commits on Sep 14, 2018
Developers team is dead? Grin
нy a пo pyccки пиcaть нe вижy cмыcлa =)

Activity: 149
Merit: 25
President of FinTechAssociation
Wall Street and Skolkovo are shocked! ) Congratulations to all the activists of the International movement "CWT" and to all the users of advanced cryptocurrency Prizm - on the registration of the rights of the unique technology that can be the basis of the possible future global financial system "Prizm". We had to register these rights in order to be able to close and block fishing sites through Roskomnadzor. It's just the beginning!

Ahah! Open first random file from github
Copyright © 2013-2016 The Nxt Core Developers.      Shocked
Cool patent of another developer team Cool

Activity: 3
Merit: 0

Hello, I am Prizm responsible holder and currently seeking person who :
• Tired of MLM
• Ready to earn easy money through auto-crypto mining
• Tired of selling goods
• Tired of recruiting person
• Wants a higher income
• Tired of scam project
• Want to join first fair largest crypto payment system .
If you are the person, then WELCOME TO PRIZM AFRICA

Add me and Inbox me.
Whatsapp: +256704802624
Visit:  Or

#Prizm #Crypto #Payment #Dollar #Blockchain
Activity: 242
Merit: 10
Wall Street and Skolkovo are shocked! ) Congratulations to all the activists of the International movement "CWT" and to all the users of advanced cryptocurrency Prizm - on the registration of the rights of the unique technology that can be the basis of the possible future global financial system "Prizm". We had to register these rights in order to be able to close and block fishing sites through Roskomnadzor. It's just the beginning!

Activity: 134
Merit: 0
yжe втopoй гoд кpиптoвaлютe и дo cиx пop oнa тopгyeтcя вceгo нa oднoй мaлoизвecтнoй и нe пoпyляpнoй биpжe coздaннoй в Poccии (кaк MMM тoлькo для pyccкиx)!! Кaк тaк пoлyчaeтcя дeцeнтpaлизoвaннaя....
и ни oднoй биpжи нeт!!  пoлyчaeтcя чтo ee мoжнo пoлнocтью кoнтpoлиpoвaть и цeнaми мaнипyлиpoвaть !!  Кaк вы бyдeтe пoлyчaть дoвepиe ecли  пo вceм CMИ и дaжe peклaмы нa cтeндax видeл нa югe poccии.... нo пoчeмy нe вxoдит нa зapyбeжныe и бoлee пoпyляpныe биpжи... дocтaтoчнo дoбaвить xoтя бы нa пapy биpж...  и дoвepия былo бы в paзы бoльшe!
или чтo тo мeшaeт?? ( нeyжeли нe cмoжeтe тoгдa yпpaвлять кypcoм Prizm ecли oнa бyдeт нa paзныx биpжax?)

или я нeпpaв??

for the second year cryptocurrency and still it is traded on only one little-known and not popular exchange created in Russia (as MMM only for Russian)!! As so it turns out decentralized....
and no exchange there!! it turns out that it can be completely controlled and prices manipulated !! How will you gain trust if all the media and even advertising on the stands seen in the South of Russia.... but why not enter the foreign and more popular exchange... it is enough to add at least a couple of exchanges... and trust would be many times more!
or what is the way?? ( do not you will then be able to control the rate of Prizm if it is on different exchanges?)

am I wrong??
Activity: 242
Merit: 10
«CWT News» release 22.09.18 (English)

The regular informative program of the International public movement "Change the World Together" which is called "CWT News" continues its work.

And in today's release, the following news of the blockchain industry and the CWT movement for the previous week will be shown:
Nodes in public access after quarantine - the review with details and advantages.
Conferences, car rally, charity - a report from Sochi and Abkhazia.
PRIZM advertising in Moscow elevators and other events in the community news review.

A new issue is here for your attention! Enjoy watching!

Tags: #PRIZM #cwt news
Activity: 242
Merit: 10
Presented website PRIZM.TEAM intended for communication PRIZM activists

Information site as a platform for communication. New PRIZM information platform is presented.

This is a decentralized site, similar to the well-known portal, but to the new site added the ability to communicate.

Here, activists can post news themselves.

The site is already operational - at the moment the registration is going.

Activity: 242
Merit: 10
"Bouquet of good”, the conference and the rally were held in Sochi

The charitable action "Bouquet of Good" was held in the city of Sochi. Several hundreds of pupils took part in it.

By the Day of Knowledge on the first of September, children drew bouquets and made a present of these pictures to teachers instead of bouquets of fresh flowers.
And the money that was supposed to be spent on flowers, were transferred to the charity Fund "Life line".

PRISM community leaders in the region note that in the plans were to hold an action only in the territory of large Sochi, but suddenly the Stavropol region joined in.
Representatives of the PRIZM community sponsored the event: all participants received memorable prizes - branded cups with the PRIZM logo.

Now the final stage of the action is in progress. Teachers from the art school will choose 3 winners.
Three more prizes from PRIZM will be given to three main winners already this week.
It is planned to send to Stavropol a PRIZM representative, who will give to participants memorable prizes and a letter of thanks to the head of the class.

A motor rally was held in the region in order to consolidate a positive image and even more popularize the PRIZM advanced cryptocurrency.
PRISM leaders in the region note that the advanced crypto currency is gaining popularity. And now it enjoys active and very serious business support.
For PRIZM coins in Sochi, you can buy almost everything from services such as haircut or manicure, to buying real estate.
And also very easily you can pay by PRIZM coins in a restaurant or car showroom.

Also in Sochi there was a conference organized by PRISM leaders in the region.

They represented the "prism-turbo" program - a project of the regional community, which allows receiving additional partner rewards from the work of the team.

The team from Sochi also reports on the launch of the exchanger with a fixed exchange rate at the level of one dollar.
A conference was also held in Abkhazia, which can be called a kind of basic combat training course.

The organizers explained in detail to the audience what is the whole of the cryptocurrency, and also how the PRIZM advanced cryptocurrency is favorably different from the others.
Activity: 242
Merit: 10
Inexact PRIZM users received material assistance in the amount 1000 PZM
Scammers, through phishing or otherwise, lured prism coins from inattentive, and in some cases simply negligent, users of PRIZM.

We emphasize that it is impossible to crack wallets. And they can be emptied only if the user himself, by inattention, give his password phrase to the fraudsters for use. Once again, we emphasize the importance of financial accuracy in ensuring security. Do not buy coins of prisms in quantities of more than a thousand in one hand.

It turned out that among the victims more than ninety percent of all users. They received compensation. However, be more attentive and conscious! Such a financial prism-aid will not be provided anymore.

Tags: #PRIZM #Users
Activity: 242
Merit: 10
PRIZM: The ideology of CWT will save humanity from slavery

The publication of the second edition of Alexei Muratov book “The Ideology of CWT” (Change the World Together) is scheduled for August. Two years ago this piece of work made a lot of noise among economists and made the society take a fresh look at the modern world order, in which everything is subordinated to the interests of corporations, and the propaganda brochures of politicians remained the only refuge of justice. The second edition of The Ideology of CWT completely retained its focus, however, some parts of the book have been updated taking into account recent events, and in addition, the book has a completely new chapter devoted to the advanced cryptocurrency Prizm.[/i

“The ideology of CWT” by Alexei Muratov is a pamphlet in the best traditions of this beautiful and undeserved genre that has been forgotten in our days. Like the classics of European literature, the author already in his “Foreword” denotes his subject of criticism and then, in almost 200 pages, mercilessly denounces the world financial corporations that de facto usurped the right to real power. Alexei Muratov, point by point, deals with their crimes and, in the end, equips the readers with an effective tool to combat financial tyranny.

It is rather difficult to determine to which literature the “Ideology of CWT”, political or economic, refers to? The topic chosen by the author is so complex and multifaceted that there is no unambiguous answer to this question. However, for the reader this circumstance does not represent any problem at all. The “Ideology of CWT” organically combines features of both political and economic work And could it be otherwise, given that the author talks about a very large amount of money, which in due time was silenced, and in fact bought the political elites around the world.

The process was not rapid but progressive, as a result of which around 100 years ago, humanity came to the conclusion that all the real power in the world is concentrated in the hands of a very small group of people, families of financiers whose representatives are controlling the largest transnational corporations from generation to generation. Their power is built on total control over natural and human resources. People for them are nothing more than a medium for the consumption of goods or functions that ensure the uninterrupted operation for the instruments of production.

It is easy to imagine such a system of legal relations in the form of a pyramid, at the top of which the celestials are located, and at the bottom – billions of ordinary people forced to spend their entire life and health on attempts to somehow improve their financial situation, to earn enough money in order to escape poverty .

Alexei Muratov is convinced that this state of affairs is fundamentally unfair. Mankind has been fraudulently imprisoned, the illusion of freedom was created which, in fact, enslaved the humanity even more than the most terrible slave system. The author reasonably argues that while society blindly worships the Golden calf in the form of an American dollar, none of us can consider ourselves truly free. Although, in fact, in the last 50 years (since 1971, since the cancellation of gold security), the dollar is nothing more than a colored paper cut into rectangles, the real value of which at its best is calculated at a few cents.

But Alexei Muratov book “The Ideology of CWT” is not just a narrative on a given topic. The author skillfully keeps the reader’s attention, by periodically suggesting to answer the seemingly simplest questions. Who prints dollars? Who owns the power over the financial system of any country in the world? Why there were no serious discoveries in medicine industry for a long time? Why does the education level fall steadily?

Answers to these and many other questions will cause confusion even for a prepared reader. After all, the release of dollars in circulation is managed by a commercial organization that receives fabulous revenues from the difference in costs of printing the green candlesticks and their nominal value (“seigniorage”). The power over any national central bank belongs to the Federal Reserve System, and the medicine and the education respectively have not accidentally switched to treating only the symptoms and to providing just superficial knowledge.

The system is so confident in its abilities that it does not even try to make a secret out of it. What for? The powerful people of this world are convinced that they will cope with any action against themselves. And it should be said that they have reason to believe so:John Kennedy, Charles de Gaulle, Hugo Chavez, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi– they all paid very dearly for trying to question the right to dominate the world’s financial elites.

Does this mean that a fight is meaningless a priori? Of course not. Alexei Muratov is convinced that humanity is simply obliged to fight for a fair resource-oriented economy, but it is necessary to do this very carefully, without causing the anger of the world financial elites for the time being. According to Alexei Muratov, it is possible to turn to an open confrontation only after a large International Public Association is created that represents a real force in the world political arena. The author proposes to unite under the banner of the social movement “Change the World Together” to his supporters.

So what is proposed as a weapon of fight? Cryptocurrency! Alexei Muratov reasonably believes that the world financial corporations can be weakened only by the complete stop of using the dollar and making payments in cryptocurrencies. The author of the “Ideology of CWT” says that financial tycoons have already felt a threat from the cryptocurrency and are making effort every day to establish their control over this community. Decentralization and anonymity of Bitcoin can already be referred to in the past tense. Its fate is doomed and other cryptocurrencies out of the TOP100 will repeat Bitcoin’s fate.

Nevertheless, Alexei Muratov is convinced that in order to save the situation, it is necessary to shift the attention of the crypto community from the overpaid Bitcoin speculators to the cryptocurrency, which can really become a convenient and an anonymous means of payment. What is this currency? The answer to this question is in the new chapter of the book “Ideology of CWT”, which is called “Advanced Cryptocurrency Prizm“. We can say that it was for this chapter that the re-edition of the “Ideology” has been done. Alexei Muratov analyzes in great detail the disadvantages of Bitcoin, Ethereum and their forks in it, and offers a real alternative in the form of cryptocurrency Prizm. Prizm has no emission center, it is devoid of shortcomings of Bitcoin and will become even more decentralized as it develops. How and through what? Answers to these and many other questions can be received after the publication of the second edition of Alexei Muratov book “The Ideology of CWT”. It’s not a long wait at all.

Official web-site of International Public Movement “CWT” –

Official “CWT” Youtube Channel –

Official information web-site of PRIZM –

Twitter of PRIZM Cryptocurrency –

Tags: #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #cwt #PRIZM #Alexei Muratov #Charles de Gaulle #Economic #Hugo Chavez #humanity #ideology #John Kennedy #Muammar Gaddafi #political #Saddam Hussein #slavery
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
Hello everyone !
It's only take 5 minutes to inform the community, PZM will have the opportunity to list on "Aiodex" and registered members will be free of trading fee in the first year. That is wonderful thing.
I hope you will inform to your community. Thank...!
Activity: 242
Merit: 10
"CWT News" Released on 29.08.2018

The regular informative program of the International public movement "Change the World Together" which is called "CWT News" continues its work.

And in today's release, the following news of the blockchain industry and the CWT movement for the previous week will be shown:

- Chairman of the Board of CWT and founder of the cryptocurrency PRIZM Mr. Alexei Muratov with a working tour in Russia.
- New wallets of PRIZM and other community news.
- Alexei Muratov's book was published in a new edition - an overview.
Activity: 242
Merit: 10
First place in the rating of the CryptoFace project Alexey Muratov became the leader of the voting

As the founder of the project, Andrei Voronkov, said the idea was born accidentally: "At some point in the fall of the market, some people began to make "honor boards" with crypto-villains - it was negatively perceived by representatives of the community of the new Russia economy. In response to this, my acquaintance Boris Pashchenko jokingly made a plaque honoring "Crypto fellows" (and was there in the first place). When I saw this, I had an idea to make an interactive rating, where it would be possible to express both a positive and negative attitude to some personality from cryptoeconomics.

«The project began to grow rapidly. After the dislikes were removed attendance began to fall, although less participants in the rating deleted themselves their persons from voting. Therefore, there are many directions for development. Firstly, we plan to return the dislikes. Secondly, add comments - many participants in the rating with a lot of minuses ask for what they get it».

«Comments will help to better understand the way out and drop down. In addition, the number, quality and style of comments can be judged on how much the rating is inflated».

Tags: #Aleksey Muratov
Activity: 242
Merit: 10
The founder of the cryptocurrency PRIZM and the chairman of CWT movement Mr.Alexei Muratov with a working tour of Russia
Seven cities, dozens of questions, none was left unanswered. Completed the working tour of Alexei Muratov in the cities of Russia.

Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Volzhsky, Astrakhan, Krasnodar, Sochi. In these seven cities, the founder of the PRIZM cryptocurrency Alexei Muratov held working conferences.

Alexei Muratov, PRIZM cryptocurrency founder and the chairman of CWT movement board: «PRIZM is primarily a unique technology. If you don't know the basis, you don't understand the minuses of other projects, you will not understand the advantages and superiority of PRIZM. And the ideology also is important. Not the PRISM itself is our goal. PRISM is just an instrument».

At the conference in Novosibirsk, Alexei Muratov shared information about a new, unparalleled messenger. What the community can to expect in the future?

«I'll open the veil to all of you. It is our know-how, which we already planned to implement. This is one-of-a-kind messenger. The world's first decentralized messenger on the PRISM blockchain. If not for the recent events, we would have already launched it. The launch is postponed for two or three weeks. But you will can use PRIZM messenger as decentralized solution even in those countries where the cryptocurrencies are banned,» — said the leader of the CWT.

Tags: #PRIZM #Alexey Muratov
Activity: 242
Merit: 10
Alexei Muratov's book was published in a new edition - an overview

To understand the essence of PRISM's advanced crypto currency, it's necessary to understand the ideology of the International Public Movement CWT. "Change the world together." Soon the world will see the 2nd edition of Alexei Muratov's book "CWT Ideology". The circulation of the book was 5000 copies. This book presents a vision of the new ideology of the international public movement 'Change the World Together'. This ideology unites people of different countries, different cultures, religions and confession for the sake of one goal - to become free from the domination of world financial corporations.

The second edition has retained its thematic focus, but some parts of the book have undergone changes, and a chapter about the advanced cryptocurrency PRISM has been added with a description of its concept.

Already in the foreword the author focuses the reader's attention on the subject of criticism and discussion of the "current financial and economic systems", which he carries through almost 200 pages and at the end of the book introduces the reader to the PRISM advanced cryptocurrency. PRISM is the solution of the CWT Public Movement, the result of the work of a strong international group of programmers. PRISM doesn't have an issuing center and can be used as an absolutely transparent and decentralized payment method. But most importantly, Prizm is devoid of the shortcomings of bitcoin and, as it develops, will become even more decentralized, which excludes the very possibility of seizing power over the system.

Tags: #cwt ideology
Activity: 242
Merit: 10
On the 27-th of July, 2018, the renewed PRIZM blockchain was launched
Such a cardinal decision was made in connection with the fact that the source code could not be changed on the working blockchain of PRIZM.

A new version of the blockchain is launched on an isolated network, only data for coinmarketcap, and are sent to the outside.

Three-level security system. The first part is generated on the server side, the second part is generated by the browser on the user's side, and the third part is added by the user from the mind.

Nowadays, more than 90% of user coins have been transferred to a new wallet. At the request of users, migration of coins using transit keys was extended until the first of September, 2018.

From 1 to 14 of September, a move will be made without transit keys. Also on September 14, GODHAB will publish NODA in public access where PRIZM Discovery and PRIZM Loyalty will already be integrated.

Tags: #PRIZM
Activity: 242
Merit: 10
Special Release of "CWT News" on 04/08/2018

In the new release of the "CWT News" informative program, the journalists of the International public movement "Change the World Together" talk about the latest news of the industry, CWT and the advanced cryptocurrency PRIZM.

1. System Update: causes and content.
2. Rules for the receiving and transfer of transfer keys
3. Final report about the rally for the International Friendship Day
4. The tour of Alexei Muratov begins in the cities of Russia.

Activity: 242
Merit: 10
"CWT News" Released on 19.07.2018

The regular informative programm of the International public movement "Change the World Together" CWT News presents a new release.
Today, the following news of the blockchain industry and the CWT movement for the week will be presented:

1. Auto rally from July, 6th - final report
2. Announcement of the rally on July, 30th
3. Overview of the international events
4. About PRIZM wallets' security - report
5. Voting for Mr. Muratov on CryptoFace
6. Prizm-car of the week

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