another game at play is the mempool utility
by having these 4mb bloat tx. where it only requires 75 bloat tx in mempool to then push out normal tx from being stored in mempools of normal nodes.. thus pushing the fee up of the remaining tx that get allowed to stay in mempools
yep a mempool ends up having at extremes just 75 pending transactions of 4mb each
think about it this way
legacy tx of 1in 2out is ~226bytes
meaning a mempool can have ~1.3m tx waiting
vs the extreme of only 75 memes with no normal tx waiting..
but both instances being 300mb waiting
also due to the meme spam of a 4mb tx not counting the spam(witness) as premium fee
EG if filling 4mb (4000000bytes) they should pay 4000000sats(0.04btc($1k)) as a minimum of 1sat/byte
but they are not paying $1k minimums. they are paying alot less than 1sat/byte thus under $1k if it was 4mb
emphasis again:
due to the cludgy code of cores decision of how core wants to count bytes
these memes appear are premium to stay in mempools.. and so outclass normal transactions paying more then 1sat/byte.. but reality is they are paying less than 1 sat/byte
heres one example
while mempools are trimming transactions below 5sat/byte at the moment(mempools of 300mb limit)
heres a tx that is 0.5sat/byte has been sitting in the mempools(of higher storage) for 6 days (since the 8th of march)
and found its way into a block
meaning this one tx has been aiding in keeping out hundreds of thousands of normal tx from remaining in mempools of normal nodes
thus although real world the spammy memes pay less than 1sat per byte. they are kept in mempools and normal payments of more then 1sat per byte get trimmed out of mempools when mempools get full