Really, there I not much of an issue at all. It doesn’t matter whether it was 5 or 10 merits. Currently, 7.976 5 sMerit TXs have been handed out (2.824 10 sMerit TXs). People are entitled to go through the merit TXs, and that is why they are made public. Nevertheless, awarding criteria is fortunately diverse, and that is the whole point of it. Not all will agree neither with the fact of meriting a given post, nor with the quantity, but that is down to diversity of criteria here, not to abuse.
Thanks for informing us, I'm not active during that time so maybe I missed that update. The 2 minutes was an exact cooldown to avoid those glitch, the only thing I was doing is to wait for the platform to reconnect and check if the merit was sent or not.
Good thing for you since Google translation was not quite accurate and it's very hard to understand if they're translated into English. I saw that effort of yours to help other people even you're not the one who should be helping them. I mean, moderators/higher-ups of the local should be the first to look at their fellow members since they're in the same community with same mother tongue. I'll try to report if I found someone to boost their motivation to create another topic that might help our community. I didn't expect that there are too many threads for developing and boosting each individual especially beginners. I notice that higher-ups are trying to make a good path for the newcomers, at first I thought people are just promoting each platform and all about business. The community is changing little by little and soon it will constantly breed a quality posters.