Ok, simple question: Can you guarantee that people who (subjectively) deserve merit will get it and can you hinder people from buying/trading merits?
That's what I meant by people who don't exploit vs. cheater. I'd think that there are more people who don't try to exploit than people who cheat but any way you look at it, you punish those who make a few valuable posts every time nobody recognizes them. Those who buy just buy >> gap gets wider.
I can't guaranteed anything. And I don't think anyone can guarantee what you're asking for, on this forum or on any other forum. There are no absolutes here, it's all about probabilities and possibilities. I think this new system restricts some of the shitposting incentives, and I think that's a good thing.
If you have specific scenarios how this can be exploited - please share. Farming and buying isn't really new, it is rampant already.