It is indeed simple but that doesn't mean its functional or the most efficient way to distribute merit. Let's give the man some credit for at least presenting something out of his "ass", instead of just whining and trolling like others do.
But if this was the system theymos actually implemented then people would be crying about that and probably much more so than they do with the current system because it is incredibly more difficult to earn merit. People are so against this system they'll propose anything just so they can oppose it in some way.
I think that you are giving too much benefit of the doubt to true disgruntledness of whiners. Just like the BIG blockers. They whine for the mere sake of whining, and likely based on pretextualized exaggerations. After one or two substantive responses in which you can point out logic or even that the new merit system is NOT as bad as it is made out to be, they keep up with their bullshit whining about unfairness... rather than figuring out some way to rank up, if their true intention was to rank up (and start to question intentions, too when there is so much whining accompanied by exaggerations).
I agree with all of your insightful responses hilariousetc, yet I would like to elaborate on this one correct point that you made.
Of course, KingZee seems more than capable of earning a lot of merits, so long as he put forth the efforts. He has decent language skills and decent abilities to connect facts and logic. Surely part of his problem remains his exaggeration, his whining and his negativism, so surely, this system is designed to make it more difficult for whiner-tards like that to rank up without first going through the motion of contribution and even a significant amount of contribution before they are going to be able to reach the highest of forum ranks.
Even though some of us, including yours truly, remains quite unwilling to send any merit to such a member, there are other members who are similarly contrary and similarly jaded who are ready, wiling and able to give merits to such seemingly "undeserving" members.
By the way, even though my current mindset is to block myself from giving merit(s) to KingZee, I am not necessarily stuck in my ways, because if, in the future, I see interesting and or contributory posts coming from him/her, then I am not the kind of person to hold a grudge, unless the negativism is so stuck in my head that I have to see meaningful changes in the consistency of the member to contribute to the forum.
Rightly so, each of us have differing thresholds in determining whether and how much to send merit to other members, but I do believe that even seemingly fucktard members can concentrate on their efforts and posts to the forum and transform themselves in such a way that members will change their minds about NOT giving merits to them after they begin to read "better" contributory posts from such previously blocked member.
He doesn't even need any additional merits to join the campaign he keeps trying to; all he needs is to make decent posts, but I'm not going to merit people just for complaining at the system, especially when they're suggesting something much worse, but wouldn't have an issue in meriting other posts of his.
Actually, there is likely little to no harm in giving a few charitable merits, here and there, and even making a few mistakes in giving merits when they were barely deserved because ultimately, the good posters are still going to shine through and the disingenuine posters are going to have difficulties keeping up appearances, even if they get a few charitable posts. And, every once in a while some seemingly undeserving members will start to improve themselves (and they just get through the negative transition and start to meaningfully contribute to the forum by helping other members).
He's just needlessly whining because he's not automatically a Hero or Legendary and this prevents him earning maximum in most campaigns but is irrelevant to Chipmixer so if I was him I'd just concentrate on my posts rather than anything else.
Actually, there are some members who seem to take this whole ranking up system too personally. A member can have all kinds of status in the real world and still be a very low ranking member in the forum. Such discrepancy should not matter too much because forum rank does depend, in part, based on contributing to the forum rather than being a wonderful, credible and even powerful person IRL. In any regard, sometimes the strength of actual IRL experiences will sometimes show through forum posts, too., and if forum members value those kinds of sharing of information, merits will likely follow.
I agree with you regarding the more elite of the signature campaigns, you cannot just rush and get into them, because the elite ones are at that status kind of by definition and their paying of higher rates allow them to be selective in their choice of new members (even existing members) because they either they pay above and beyond the rest or they have some real world status that also attracts more higher ranked members wanting to join.